That Peculiar Hair Colour

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This chapter was written especially for kittyloveroneoone thanks for being such an amazing reader! And don't you think Nathanael looks so cute in that picture?

Marinette wasn't sure what to do when she was suddenly trampled over a hundred girls. She'd scream for help, but she didn't want anyone to panic. The tsunami of girls didn't seem to stop coming, they were all rushing towards Adrien, who was desperately searching for Marinette. Unaware of what was to come next, Marinette tried to get up, but to no avail. Suddenly, a strong pair of arms wrapped themselves under hers and hoisted her up. The unknown rescuer took Marinette's wrist and pushed through the waves of girls. He spun her around so that she was facing him. He stared into her eyes, a look of worry laced in his vibrant orbs. Such unique eyes, Marinette thought. Then she noticed his hair colour, how fascinating. She reached out to touch his hair before quickly pulling away, internally scolding herself. He chuckled, "It's okay, I find my hair colour rather alluring as well." She blushed and looked down. "Speaking of hair colours, yours is quite amazing too. I've never seen that kind of shade before." Marinette blushed again and muttered a small thanks. She stared back up at him, into his beautiful teal eyes. "My names Marinette, by the way. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." He grinned at her and brought her hand up to shake it. "Nathanael Kurtzberg,"
Her jaw dropped, no way. The Nathanael Kurtzberg.

Marinette explained her whole situation to Nathanael while walking around with him. "So let me get this straight, your so-called 'fiancé' has another fiancée, and your both competing for his love?" He stared at her, awaiting her reply. "Well, not exactly. But close enough." She shrugged. He chuckled, then stopped to look at her. "Wait, do you love him?" He asked leaning in towards her face. She pushed him back with her finger. "Well, it's uh... It's complicated."
"What about you? Surely there must be someone your interested in!" Marinette changed the subject before Nathanael got too curious. "Unfortunately, no. Besides, I'd like to keep those kind of things private."
"But you're one of the most famous artists in the world! Surely there's someone who interests you!"
"No. Not really."
"Not really means maybe! And maybe means yes! Yaaay!" Marinette cheered.
"Honestly, you are such a child."

A few minutes later they found an ice cream parlour. Marinette insisted that they go, even if it was a cold day. "You are a crazy woman," Nathanael muttered as Marinette went to order her ice cream. The ice cream parlour was styled to look vintage, you could see the brick work and the table tops were all marble, there were very few pictures and red curtains hung around the windows. All in all, it was a very cosy place to be in. They sat in a small booth that had red leather seats. Marinette ate her ice cream with caution, she stared at Nathanael who also watched her. They were having an intense staring competition. Suddenly, Nathanael took a scoop of her ice cream, she shook her head and blinked at him, "I hate you." She said, to which he faked hurt by placing a hand to his chest and gasping. Marinette grabbed his left cheek and started to pull it, he showed no sign of pain or hurt to Marinette's dismay.

"Is that the best you can do?" He chuckled at her weak attempts to provoke him, she huffed and crossed her arms. She finished her ice cream long ago, yet they were still sitting in the booth. Nathanael looked at her in amusement before patting her head playfully. "Hey! You can't do that, I'm a grown woman!"
"Of course you are, that's why you insisted to have ice cream on a cold day."

They left the ice creamery after being there for two hours, Marinette had borrowed Nathanaels jacket from him to fight the cold, and they were at a near by park. "So this Valentines Day project you were working on, can I help?" Nathanael seemed genuinely interested in the plans that Marinette was working on for Valentines, so Marinette agreed of course. And they started to put together some interesting ideas.

It was 6:45 pm when Nathanael dropped Marinette back to her hotel, she told him how much fun she had had, gave him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. She climbed the staircase to her hotel room and opened the door to a very distressed Adrien. Marinette dropped her things and rushed to him, "Adrien, are you okay?" He looked at her and engulfed her in a large hug which caused her to blush deep red. "I thought something bad had happened to you. Dont ever leave me again, got it?" He held her at arms length and looked at her seriously, she only nodded. Adrien pulled her in again and kissed Marinette's head.

Hey! I'm glad to have got this chapter out, sorry for the long wait. Now that it's the holidays I can work kn writing more. Yay. Anyway, if you're a fan of BTS, like me, click the link below to vote for them to perform at the 2018 super bowl.

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