Ambushed In Pasta Cup

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Marinette had begged her best friend, Alya to take her to Pasta Cup for some gnocchi. She was a little obsessed with it, and she thought that the cups and little containers of cheese were adorable.

Alya sat on the car with Marinette, annoyed. "Next time you want pasta don't ask me to take you. And can't you just ask the personal chefs at your house to make some for you?" Alya, being the best friend always had to drive her to Pasta Cup and was getting tired of it. "You don't understand, Alya! It's not the same, the chefs can't cook."

In a matter of minutes they arrived. Marinette got of the car and into Pasta Cup. She was 3rd in line, waiting patiently and on her phone. She ordered her food and sat down, she dipped her fork into the cup and sighed happily. Just as she was about to take a bite a big hand pulled her back. Then  a whole fleet of big guys came and pulled her out. "Wait! My pasta, I didn't get to eat it yet. Please! I can't live without gnocchi!" She cried. They put her in a black limo and the lady didn't bother calling the police; she knew something weird would happen today.

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