His Questions, Her Answers

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Adrien was glad that Marinette was okay, he had quite a few questions he wanted to ask her. But, he imagined how tired she must be so he saved them for the next day. He let her have the bed for herself so she could get a good night's sleep. Adrien lay on the nearby sofa, sending messages to Chloe.
(Adrien in bold)
So about today....
What about it??
Is what you're saying true? I'm sure Marinette would've told me something if it was.
Would you share something like that, Adrien?
Probably not.
That's just the kind of person she is Adrien, she may have been close to Felix, but not that close.
Chloe that's the craziest thing ever, Marinette couldn't have possibly tried to murder my brother.
But she had a motive, Marinette found out that Felix was dating a close friend of hers, she was probably jealous.
That's no reason for murder! Marinette isn't that petty.
That's not all... Marinette also found out that her best friend was.....
Pregnant with Felix's child.
Adrien was gobsmacked, he had a niece that he hadn't met yet? Did Marinette know? Adrien couldn't seem to grasp the idea of him having a niece, so he decided to catch some sleep.

Adrien shook Marinette awake and she swatted him away with her hand. "Marinette sweetheart, time to wake up!" She groaned and pulled him into the bed with her. She hugged him tight and mumbled, "What a nice teddy bear." Then she pushed him out yelling, "Jesus boy! You're freezing!" And she cocooned herself even further into the blanket. Adrien had an idea to wake Marinette up, but he wasn't so sure he'd like to die attempting to wake her up. Marinette was unbelievably strong for someone so small, and she had managed to pummel Adrien at least a dozen times.

Adrien carried Marinette, who was still enveloped in her blanket, to the bath. He dipped one of her toes into the cold bath he had prepared earlier, she retracted it as fast as the speed of light. Then he dropped her into the bathtub, clothes, blanket and all. She jolted awake and screamed, "ADRIEN! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? THIS IS COLD, I'M FREEZING! I'M GONNA DIE OF HYPOTHERMIA!!" Adrien chuckled and patted her head playfully. "Glad to see you're awake!" He exclaimed. She groaned mumbling a string of curse words under her breath.

After Marinette had finished getting dressed she pounded on Adrien's chest. "Hey, calm down!" He said.
"How can I? You dumb, dense, stupid, idiot!"
"Okay, I'm sorry!" He apologized, removing her fists from his chest. He patted her head in the same way Nathanael had done causing her to pout.

Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette as they looked into each others eyes. The photographer snapped dozens of pictures of them in this position. They switched positions, this time facing each other, noses nearly touching and breaths mingling. Marinette felt her cheeks heat up due to how close they were to each other. The photographer was muttering things about how 'perfect they looked' and took a picture, suddenly, in the middle of taking a photo, Marinette sneezed. "Gesundheit," Adrien muttered, then  yawned in the middle of a photo. They laughed with each other and couldn't stop sob the photo shoot was cancelled.

Adrien and Marinette wandered around the museum together. Looking at the dinosaur bones in absolute awe. Somehow, Marinette could name all the dinosaurs in the exhibit. They looked at at every ancient and priceless thing in the museum until there was nothing left.

When they finished they went to the museum's cafe and sat in a booth, very much like the one in the ice cream parlour. "So...." Adrien started, not knowing where to start. "So..." Marinette mimicked. Adrien sighed then took out his phone. He passed it to her and let her read through the messages. She looked at them bewildered, "Your fiancée is crazy." She stated. He grinned at her, "Tell me about it..."
"I'd never kill a person!"
"So it's true!"
"Of course it is!"
"I DO have a niece!"
"Wait what? I never said that!"
"But you didn't deny me having one either!" He smirked.
"How can I deny you having one when I didn't say you had one?!"
"Don't deny not denying what you didn't deny which you didn't say." He looked at her cheekily.
"You're speaking gibberish again, aren't you?"
"Yes, but tell me, do I have a niece?"
Marinette looked down at the ground, biting her lip she looked at Adrien. "Y- yes." She managed to cough out. Adrian's eyes widen in shock, then he laughed and threw his hands in the air. He jumped out of his chair and lifted Marinette up from the waist, "Yes! When do I get to meet her?!" He exclaimed. Marinette but her lip and looked down, tears stung her eyes as she choked back a sob. "You can see her whenever you want, but I'm sorry I can't take you..." She sobbed, by now people in the cafe were watching with curiosity and slight annoyance. Adrien noticed and said, "Why don't we take this back to the hotel?" Marinette nodded, appreciating the chance to talk to him in alone.

"Marinette, would you like to tell me what's going on?" Adrien asked, she merely nodded and gave a sniffled slightly.
"Lila and I, we don't get along like we used to. When she started dating Felix we grew apart. Not because she spent her time with Felix, but because she wanted to separate me from Felix. I guess she thought that Felix's friendship with me would get in the way. I dont understand girls." She shrugged, at this Adrien raised his eyebrows. He sighed, "No one does." He murmured. "Do you happen to know her name?" Adrien asked. Marinette shook her head, "I'm sorry." Adrien smiled at her and gave her a comforting hug and kissed both cheeks gingerly. Marinette knew it wasn't the right time, but she was secretly screaming on the inside. "Why don't you get some sleep?" Adrien suggested, Marinette nodded and buried herself under the sheets.

I buried my head in the palms of my hands, Chloe. Chloe. Chloe! What could you have possibly accomplished by lying to me?! I sighed, looking at Marinette. She was so serene, Marinette sleeping and me watching over her was like a dream. Chloe was never really like this, she enjoyed staying up late and clubbing. She wasn't mature at all, Chloe acted like a wild teenager. Marinette had her own version if immature though, ice cream whenever she could have it, plushies, giant teddy bears, anime, k pop, cartoons. But she was so calm about it, it was never 'I want do this, if we don't I'll do something to you' she never forced me into something. Marinette was independent and so smart. She was quite admirable, any guy would be luck to have her. Her smile reminded me of my mother's, it could light up a whole room.

I remember when I first met Chloe, I didn't like her at first, but her father offered a large sum of money to the company if I was to date her. I agreed, hoping this would benefit the company. It did. But for me, it was torture the first three months, then somewhere along the line I fell in love. I don't know why, I guess I was too young to notice and too dumb to care. I was fool, that's all.

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