The Perfect Medicine Pt. One

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Me: *talking to a friend* I forgot I have to go to an ultra sound for my foot tomorrow...

Friend: What is your foot pregnant?!

Me: Nooo...

Friend: Well that's a lot less interesting.

Me: Get some help

So this chapter is kinda like the friendship I have with the friend who just starred in that conversation. He, unfortunately doesn't have Wattpad. This chapter also kinda relates to what happened in real life to me, with a few minor changes. I was really excited when I found out my best friend liked my other best friend, but then it got awkward and he doesn't talk to me much. Honestly, I'm a little jealous....
So yeah, there is a little story behind this chapter.

"I'm an idiot, Nathanael!" Marinette exclaimed as she sobbed louder. Nathanael had been there for the past hour trying to console Marinette. "How could I be so blind?!" She shrieked. By this time, Marinette was rampaged all over her apartment, destroying everything in her path. "Marinette, please calm down!" Nathanael warned the fiery bluenette. Marinette stopped and started shaking before collapsing onto the floor, sobbing. Then a sudden thought came to him, "How about we go out for ice cream." A grin spread across his face.

The place they went to was quite similar to the place they went to in New York. Same style and same cosy-ness. It was perfect. Marinette had ordered a large tub of chocolate while Nathanael ordered a strawberry ice cream in a cone. "I'm engaged." Nathanael blurted out quickly. Marinette stopped eating her ice cream to look at him. "You're not tricking me are you?" She asked.
"Of course not! Would I ever lie to you?"
"Don't answer that." He finished.
"So, what's her name?" Marinette asked him as she crammed another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.
"Lila Rossi." He answered dreamily.
"Rossi? Where have I heard that name?" Marinette pondered. "Wait s second! L- Lila Rossi! Oh my god, I haven't seen her in years! Can- can I see her?"
"What do you mean? Do you know her?" Marinette brushed Nathanael's question off and asked, "So how's her child?"

Really rushed chapter, but there will be a part two. I hope you don't mind but you may not get any updates until the start of next month. I will be able to reply to comments and all but I'm way too busy to write. Especially with the amount of projects we have.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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