Fangirls From New York

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"Alright, who hurt Little Mari?" The blonde said, eyes searching the crowd daring them to blink. Behind him, a small girl cowered, covering her bruised arm. "I'm sorry. It was my fault." A boy said, raising his head slightly. Felix glared at him and growled, the boy flinched, "I didn't mean to. I swear!" He gulped, "Please don't hurt me." He added in a whisper. Felix sighed, "I'm not going to hurt you, just say sorry to Marinette, not me." The boy walked up to Marinette and gave an apology, adding a smile. She smiled back and told him it was fine. The boy offered her a hand and she accepted it gratefully. They played together for the rest of the day, giggling as they tagged each other. 

Marinette opened her eyes, squinting when a burst of sunshine hit her eyes. "Morning, sleepy-head." Adrien snickered as she yawned and stretched her arms. "Morning, Banana Head." She replied cheekily, Adrien made a face and continued to read his book. "Whatcha reading?" Marinette asked." It's about two lovers in fair Verona." He grinned looking at her. She sighed, "Please no." She pleaded.
"Little tooooooown!" He screeched at the top of his lungs.
"Shit," she muttered and Adrien whipped his head around to face her.
"Did you just?" He asked, shocked. She nodded. "I don't believe it!" He leaned back in his seat, wondering what the world had come to.

When they finally landed Adrien and Marinette linked arms and gave their best, fake, smiles to the reporters. As each camera flashed, Marinette felt her sight start to weaken, how had Adrien managed to do this all day? Suddenly, a reporter asked a question: "How did you two meet?" (Marinette's thoughts in Italics) Uhhh, well. The other reporters nodded in agreement then they too started to ask questions.
"Was it love at first sight?"
Not really.
"Where did you meet?"
It was arranged.
"Is your love real?" One reporter questioned, which, to Marinette's surprise, made Adrien burst. "Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?!" He answered to the reporter.

After they went through customs and had registered into their hotel they stayed their for a while. "Thanks for helping me back there." Marinette said, Adrien only smiled. "I just have one question, arranged marriages aren't unheard of, so why would you say that we're 'in love'?" Adrien turned to face Marinette. "True, that arranged marriages aren't unheard of, but the Agreste Company have a reputation to uphold. My father doesn't believe in arranged marriages because he fell in love naturally. But, with me it's a different case, he doesn't seem to like Chloe, so he's 'trying to help' me make the right choice." He explained. Of course it wasn't real, Marinette thought bitterly. Still, you got to admire his devotion and adoration to Chloe.

Marinette breathed in the fresh air and sighed in content. I wish this was all real, maybe I love Adrien? That's not possible though, right? We met like a week ago! I really need some mental help. Adrien walked out and leaned on the railing. "The view is pretty amazing, right?"
"Yeah... It's beautiful." She replied.
"Look, there are a lot of 'fangirls' in New York. And I was hoping you wouldn't mind meeting them? You know, since you're my bride to be." Marinette looked down, flustered. Why was she behaving like this? She nodded her head and said, "Yeah, that sounds great." Adrien grinned.

The mall was packed with girls, cheering, screaming, squealing and waving there arms about. They tried desperately to get Adrien to take a glance at them, and when he did they would swoon. "How did you get so many people here?" Marinette asked before posing for a picture. "I called a few people, I have quite a few connections." He replied while signing someone's t-shirt. "Look! That's Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" A girl squealed, only making everyone scream louder. "Oh my god! I love her designs!" And "She's so pretty!" Was heard from all across the crowd. "Would you look at that, they love you." Adrien whispered in her ear and he landed his  fingers with hers. Marinette blushed and looked down.

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