The Importance Of The Agreste Company

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As Marinette sat on one of Gabriel Agreste's office chairs she thought about what she was putting herself into; her first love Felix Agreste, was the only reason she was doing this. Gabriel explained how the company was failing and that soon Adrien would need to marry someone suitable to help him manage the company. She only nodded, he also explained how Adrien couldn't design and would need someone else to design. Gabriel said they would spend a week together in a hotel somewhere in Paris then fly off to New York.

As Marinette sat down on one of the lounges in the hotel lobby she twiddled her thumbs and thought about what she was going to say. It seemed like forever, that was until Adrien came and broke the comfortable silence she was sitting in.
"Hi, I'm Marinette!" She stood up, he only nodded his head.
"I assume you know who I am?" He asked, she giggled.
"You are alot like your brother. The first time I met him he acted just like this!" He grimaced. Adrien picked up Marinette's bag and walked to the lift.
"You know our room numbers, right?" She asked  him. His face turned to a shocked expression. "I-I thought you knew it." He panicked, she sighed and opened the elevator's door, "I'll get it," Marinette rushed out and went to the reception. When she returned to Adrien Marinette gave him the key and he thanked her, she only smiled.

The silence in the elevator killed Marinette (with boredom). She tapped her foot in rhythm to the elevator music. "This music isn't that bad, don't you think?" She turned to him, he only hummed in response. She stopped tapping her foot when she noticed glance down at it. "What do you know about my brother?" He asked.
"What do you want to know?"
"Everything and anything," he replied.
"Okay, I met your brother when I was five. You were born in the same year but different months." The elevator doors opened and she walked out, waiting for him. "Felix liked music and said he would like to study at Julliard to become a professional musician. He played cello, guitar, piano, violin and the saxophone. He spoke four different languages Chinese, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. Felix liked to design and he knew the Agreste Company inside and out; he told me everything about it." They turned a few corners and searched for their room. Adrien scanned the hallway, his eyes darting everywhere. "Tell me about the Agreste Company," he said while still searching. She sighed, "He loved the company, he helped your father all the time, for designs, fashion shows, everything." He looked at her.
"Why would he want me to marry you?"
"I was a good friend of Felix's, he taught me everything I know about fashion and design. And your Father promised me a job with the company."
"That still doesn't explain anything,"
"You only model, but you don't know much about the company or design. I could teach you or marry you, obviously your Father thought  getting married would be easier and simpler." She explained, she was getting tired and decided to help him look for their room. "I have a fiancée, you know? And when I told her about this she wasn't happy. I don't want to be forced into marriage."
"That's why we're doing this," Marinette said.

They found their room and started unpacking. "Why won't my father just sell the company?" Adrien asked, Marinette turned and faced him. "Selling the company would be like throwing away everything Felix believed in and worked hard to achieve. The company wouldn't be where it's at if he hadn't done anything. Adrien, your Father loves the company because Felix loved it. Why is that so hard to understand. The company is important to your family and me." She turned away and finished packing. When she was finished she had a shower, changed into her pajamas.
Marinette sat on the bed reading her book, she felt it sink a little as Adrien came to sit next to her. "I didn't think the company meant anything to anybody, I thought it was just a place, or thing. I'm sorry." He said to Marinette, she smiled and he fell asleep.

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