Even If He's Gone

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Marinette sat on their shared bed and sighed while taking of her shoes, rubbing her ankles hoping to get rid of the blisters. Their third and second day had been a disaster; Adrien somehow managed to lose Marinette at a mall causing her to wreak havoc trying to find him and Marinette pushed all the poolside umbrellas down. Then they decided to go to the park but Marinette's shoes gave her feet blisters so they returned back to the suite. She sighed, how could something that was supposed to be peaceful turn out to be so disastrous? She walked over to the suite's desk and pulled out a pen from her bag and some lined paper. She tapped the bottom of the pen on the paper and thought about what to write, then after about a minute she wrote:
Dear Tikki,
  Where are you? What are you doing? How are you? Why won't you answer my letters? I miss you, Tikki. I need you! I sent five letters last week and none of them have been answered. I can't begin to describe how horrible the last three days have been, and all because of some guy! I have been losing my focus lately and have been overthinking the way I start a conversation with him, being careful not to bring up the topic of Felix. But no matter what subject I bring up he always wants to talk about Felix and the Agreste Company. 
   I didn't decide to write to you to complain though, or rant. I just need your advice. Your the only person I know who gives good advice, and good advice is what I need. It's my turn to show him something in Paris to get to know him better, but I've run out of ideas. What do I do? He's very picky, I noticed. And acts a lot like his brother, he rarely smiles and I desperately need a way to break him out of his shell.
(P.s if you haven't noticed, I'm with Adrien Agreste.)

She folded the letter and carefully put it in an envelope, sealing it after she was certain her letter contained everything she wanted to say. Marinette changed into a red shirt with black jeans and her black flats, she let her down from its pony tail and left to go to the post office.

As soon as Marinette had finished posting her letter she walked back to the hotel. She passed a lot of shops a few of them catching her eyes, but one of them stood out most. It was a small souvenir shop for tourist, in it's display window were bobble heads of characters from movies or shows. She scanned the bobble heads and found a Star Wars one, she smiled and thought of Adrien. Remembering how he stared at the Star Wars plushies in delight when they visited the mall. She bought it for him and continued to walk back to the hotel.

Marinette opened the door to their suite and saw Adrien sitting on the bed, legs crossed and arms folded. "Where were you?" He asked. Marinette looked at him and answered politely, "At the post office, sending a letter to my friend." He glared at her, then shrugged it off. She sighed and tossed him the Star Wars bobble head. He looked up at her, "What's this?" He asked, holding the toy in his left hand.
"A bobble head, I saw it at a souvenir shop and thought you might like it."
"Thanks," he said, putting the toy on one of the night stands. "Why did you write a letter? Couldn't you have just emailed her?" Adrien asked suddenly.
"Tikki and I were pen pen pals in primary school, when we grew older, Tikki and I started e-mailing each other. But Tikki, being the childish person she is, wanted to go the old fashioned way." She smiled at the fond memories of Tikki and herself. He only nodded. They stayed in silence until Adrien spoke up, "What's Tikki like?" Marinette giggled and sat across from him. "She's really childish and she loves her husband Plagg more than herself. She is an archaeologist, but I couldn't tell you anything about what she does because I have no idea. Plagg teaches at a high school and he tends to get really whiney. I've known them for at least ten years. When we were younger, Tikki would complain about being born muggle and she'd attempt to perform the Killing Curse to people she didn't like. She has a big imagination, and we were always playing around. Despite all that, she's the nicest, wisest person I have ever met." Marinette smiled as Adrien nodded. "She sounds amazing," Adrien concluded.

Dear Marinette,
  Learn to have patience, will you? I've been busy with work and it does take time for a letter to reach someone.
   Anyway, about this boy. If he's like Felix, he must have a sweet tooth! Take him out for ice-cream, take him to your parent's bakery, take him to a sweet shop. Spoil him!
  Now that you have your advice I have some news for you! Good news not bad news. I'm pregnant! I'm three months pregnant! I would have told you earlier but Plagg and I have been really busy.
  With love,

Marinette squealed as she finished reading the letter Tikki sent her. Adrien looked up and asked,
"What's up?" She squealed louder.
"Tikki's pregnant!!" She jumped up and Adrien smiled up at her. "That's great! When you write back, tell her I said congratulations." Marinette nodded. "Hey, do you wanna go out for ice-cream?" Marinette asked suddenly, Adrien only nodded.

Adrien and Marinette sat outside a small cafe, enjoying their hot coffees and muffins. They both let loose and shared stories from their pasts. Marinette was glad that Adrien finally decided to open up. He was smiling a lot more and laughed with her, he was a lot more affectionate towards Marinette. She sighed happily and smiled at Adrien, he smiled back, "Listen, Marinette, I'm sorry about Felix. It must of been hard for you when he, you know. Died. But, I want you to know, I know how you feel. I lost a brother. And I know that you don't like to talk about so I'll stop, but talk to me, please. I'd like to know how you're feeling, even if this doesn't work out." Marinette smiled, not letting the tears fall. "Thanks Adrien," then she said, "Oh, if this does 'work out' I'd like you to know that Felix will still be my first love, even if he's gone." Adrien nodded in understanding.

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