I Love You

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"Hey, Chloe!" Adrien exclaimed happily at the sight of his fiancée. "Adrikins, what are you doing here?" Chloe muttered, glancing around. "Oh... Chinese food. Blegh." Chloe stuck her tongue out in disgust as she saw the Chinese food. "Actually Chlo, it tastes amazing." Adrien explained to the very annoying blonde latched onto his arm. "Uh yeah, I think I had some Chinese before, but it was much pricier and it tasted better."

Marinette cleaned up the lounge room to make room for Chloe to sit down, when she noticed the fortune cookies. "Hey! Who wants fortune cookies?" She asked excitedly. Adrien nodded his head in enthusiasm, and Chloe followed along grumpily. Chloe grabbed the first one she saw, which happened to be Marinette's special one. "Wait, no! That one's mine!" Marinette exclaimed as she pointed at  the one in Chloe's hands. "Well I got it it first!" Chloe retorted.
"Come on, Chlo. Give it to Marinette." Adrien reasoned. Chloe huffed and put the cookie in Marinette's hands in a rather aggressive way. Marinette opened the fortune cookie, double checking the fortune to make sure it read, 'I love you, Adrien Agreste.' It did. Marinette sighed in relief. She put the fortune in the bin and munched away at her cookie. "Why did you put your fortune in the bin." Adrien exclaimed in utter disbelief. "Why not? It's not like they come true anyway."
"Don't be silly," he walked to the bin, but Marinette stopped him. "It's not worth looking for, Adrien."

A few hours later and Adrien left with Chloe. They walked out the door and Marinette bid her goodbyes, very painfully. Adrien stopped as Chloe rounded the corner. He ran back an kissed her cheek, muttering a small: "I'll miss you." And he grinned at her, before waving then disappearing around the corner.

"Damnit Agreste, what have you done to me?"

Me: *walks into the room reading a book, sees mum on phone* Jesus, Asians and their phones these days.

Mum: *looks at me*

Me: Oh wait... I am Asian.
^didnt mean to offend anybody, it's just that this happened to me and my friends seemed to think it was funny.

And sorry for the short update!!!

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