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edited and proofread.


Bluepiedust: My beloved pinkberry...

Bluepiedust: can I ask you something?

Pinkberry: What?

Bluepiedust: YOU ACTUALLY

Pinkberry: What about it...?

Bluepiedust: You never answer quickly.

Pinkberry: Anyway... Your question?

Bluepiedust: Oh right... I need you to answer me truthfully.

Pinkberry: ... continue.

Bluepiedust: So, I met this guy at the hospital recently and I was feeling pretty depressed but he cheered me up. I think he's pretty cute tbh, but I think I seem clingy. I have his number and all but idk if I should contact him...

Pinkberry: Is that it?

Pinkberry: ...

Bluepiedust: uh well... I've only met him once but he's cute and I think I like him? We talked the whole day about what we have in common and he's pretty similar to me.

Pinkberry: your point is? ._.

Bluepiedust: Are these signs I like him? e.e

Pinkberry: Well, if your stomach flutters, your heart beat is irregular, you can't help but stare and adore him and things alike, those are signs that you do.


BamBam could always give advice to others, even though no one ever cared or listened to him. He found it disappointing that he couldn't give advice to himself.


Bluepiedust: Then I'm pretty much screwed. We legit just met. wtf.

Bluepiedust: He's so fkin adorable though. Like a lost puppy or smthing.

Pinkberry: Good on you... '-' but why are you asking me this?

Bluepiedust: ...

Bluepiedust: Is something wrong? You okay? :(

Pinkberry: ... idfk.

Bluepiedust: Okay, something is definitely up. Need to talk? Want me to Line call you?

Pinkberry: :/ We've never sent pictures of ourselves, let alone call each other.

Bluepiedust: BamBam... I'm worried, okay? You can tell me what's up. I'm there for you and it'd be nice to have a voice alongside these typed words. Are you... up for it?

Pinkberry: Fine... Whatever. .-.


BamBam felt his stomach churn, the vibration and ringing of his phone in his hands becoming persistent. He never understood why this stranger he had met online wanted to talk to him, but he enjoyed having his company to comfort his loneliness. BamBam stared at the buzzing phone, the screen brightly lit with the familiar Line ID printed in bold across the top.

Was he going to just ignore it? No, he wasn't.

He couldn't back out now, it was too late. BamBam wiped his sweaty palms against his shorts, pressing the 'answer call' button as he put the phone to his ear nervously.

"Hey... Are you there?"

The voice on the other side of the line was completely opposite to was BamBam was expecting. He gulped, managing a small 'yeah'.

"Yeah..." BamBam squeaked, hugging his knees to his chest.

"Your voice... It's really different to what I expected." Mark spoke, his voice soothing over the call.

"I knew it..." BamBam anxiously bit his lip. He was on a phone call with a stranger, and he assumed it was already going terribly. "My voice sounds awful..."

BamBam was surprised to hear a small chuckle over the call. He hugged his knees tighter, not knowing how to react. "Actually, it's quite nice. It's soothing and quiet if you ask me. It's like the lovely warmth from the sun beaming on you on a chilly winter's day."

Mark's tone was warm and comforting. "I like hearing your voice." BamBam felt butterflies settle in his stomach, yet, he felt Mark's words were just empty words for comforting others. The words probably held no meaning and weren't sincere. No one had ever complimented him before, but he forced himself to believe the words were sincere.

BamBam wanted someone to comfort him and even if the words were just false and empty, he wouldn't mind so much. Especially not at the moment. The feeling was unfamiliar to him, but it made him feel good about himself for the first time.

It was him. Only now did BamBam realise who it really was.

He swallowed, his throat becoming dry as the air beat out of his lungs. He realised he had been so stupid this whole time.

BamBam's dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears, his dark eyes sinking as the drops overflowed. Small cries, escaped his mouth and BamBam momentarily forgot that Mark was there, covering his mouth to muffle his sobs.

"BamBam...? A-are you okay?" Mark stuttered as he heard his friend's sobs over the call, his tone full of worry.

BamBam dropped his phone onto his bed, his eyes wet and his shirt soaked with tears.

There was no reply, the line becoming silent for a few minutes. Only the brief interruptions of BamBam's small sobs were heard through the phone, breaking the silence.

"It really is you..." BamBam laughed through his tears, sniffling and forcing a smile onto his lips. "I can't believe I really didn't know..."

"What do you mean?" The brief beeping of the call rung against Mark's phone, his mind clouded with confusion. "BamBam? Hello?"

The line hung dead.

It persistently beeped as Mark realised the call had ended.

BamBam had left him sitting there, feeling lost and puzzled. Mark fumbled with his phone as he sighed deeply, trying his best to comprehend what BamBam was referring to. He couldn't wrap his mind around the idea. Feeling frustrated, he dropped his phone onto his bed, leaning back to lay down and stare up at the bleak ceiling.


A/N: I'm updating regularly from now on.

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