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edited and proofread.


Wang Jackson
19 years old
Student at Anyang High

Career planning.
No information available yet. Awaiting his responses. Unknown.

Goals and achievements.
Has no dream; just wants a job.

Personal issues.
Debt issues; no family members willing to pay back the owed money. Lives with his cousin, but recently forced out.

Behaviour and suspension log.
Supervisor contract.
Warning 2.


BamBam's eyes scanned through the profile. He felt guilty of privacy invasion but his curiosity overwhelmed his thoughts.

The profiles were simple and straight forward, Jackson's in particular had less information in comparison to other student profiles.

His gaze directed to a particular statement in the profile. "Debt issues?" BamBam mumbled the same words over and over again until he was snapped out of his thoughts by Mark.

"What's wrong?" Mark waved his hand in front of BamBam's face to catch his attention, only to abruptly snap him out of his thoughts. "You seem lost in thought?"

"Huh? What? Oh, nothing..." BamBam vigorously shook his head, closing the folder and towering it in the stash on the desk. "We gotta work through this tower."


Both of them speedily scanned through the folders, reorganising each student profile in alphabetical order. Exhausted but completed after 2 hours, they simply crawled to the teacher office, plopping the folders on Mr. Yang's desk.

"Thanks for the help." BamBam smiled hopelessly, trailing behind Mark. "You really didn't need to, though."

"I was bored and needed something to do. Besides, we got it done faster because I helped out." Mark spun around, grinning as he walked backwards. "It's a win-win situation."

BamBam glanced at his watch, his eyes literally screaming 'help'. It was already 4 in the afternoon, and he had promised to help his mother to clean up.

"Damn it... I'm gonna go first okay?" BamBam messily waved as his bag slid off his shoulder, frantically running.

"Goodluck!" Mark waved, laughing as he watched BamBam frantically sprint down the street. "Be careful. Don't hurt yourself!" He yelled, but BamBam's loud footsteps had already disappeared around the corner.

His shoes grazed the ground, his footsteps leading to a halt. A piece of paper with writing on it was cheaply taped to the front door, BamBam passing through the gate to stare at it. His hand reached the the weak sheet that blew in the wind, his eyes scanning the paper for anything interesting.


I've gone out to get some things. I won't be back for a while so you do what you need to do first and don't worry about me. I would have texted you but my phone is flat! :( I'll see you later, my dear son. Come back soon! (:

- Mom


BamBam ran his hand through his messy hair, shrugging as he shoved his hands on his pocket and turned his back. "Who writes notes and sticks them on their front door nowadays?" He simply chuckled, heading back towards his original destination.

His feet scampered the sidewalks, dragging the sole of his shoes against the pavement. His footsteps were sluggish yet consistent as he reached the main gate to the school. BamBam glanced at his watch, his eyebrow raising as his eyes met the gate. "It's only 4:25pm... The entrance should be locked at this time. Why is it open early?" He only shrugged it off, proceeding to begin his work early.

BamBam unlocked the main entry to the gymnasium, throwing aside his bag in the corner as he reached the sports storeroom. Heavy chains and locks guarded the room, a mix of 3 keys needed to unlock the storeroom. BamBam reached deep into his pocket, searching for the set of keys he had received earlier.

As soon as he stepped foot into the storeroom, the stench of old leather and iron grew stronger and dust clung themselves onto BamBam's old pair of shoes. His hand searched for the light switch in the dark, his only source of light suddenly disappearing. The storeroom door had abruptly shut, gluing itself to lock the storeroom. BamBam swung his head around in shock, Jackson coming into view behind him.

Jackson flipped the light switch, coughing up dust that awoke from its hibernation. He rose his eyebrow as BamBam stared at him with suspicious eyes, raising his hands as if he was caught red-handed as he shook his head and yawned. "It wasn't me though."

"Ugh, seriously." BamBam rolled his eyes as he scanned the boxed equipment that seemed untouched for years.

"Hey, no big deal. We can just ope-" Jackson pulled on the handle, the door seemingly glued shut. "Eh? It won't open."

"You can't even open a door? Man, you're seriously such a pain." BamBam heard him from the corner and he face-palmed, his irritation growing as every second passed.

"Try it for yourself." Jackson crossed his arms, staring directly at BamBam with anticipation in his eyes.

"Move out of the way." BamBam marched towards the door, attempting to open it for himself. His hands reached for the door, jerking hard on the handle. "What? That's weird. Why won't it budge?"

Jackson burst out laughing as he leaned against the dusty shelf, shaking his head in disappointment. "And you didn't believe me."

"Well, might as well get this done and figure out something later." BamBam sighed, pulling a few cardboard boxes towards him. He ripped off the tape, reaching inside to grab the equipment.

Jackson and BamBam started to haul out the equipment and reorganise the dusty shelves, the two of them silently working in their respective corners. Within minutes, their only light source began to flicker wildly, the storeroom completely blackening as BamBam's sighs began to fill the room.

"You have got to be kidding me..."


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! Wattpad has been messing with me and deleting my drafts so I've had to rewrite some chapters I had already completed. Sorry if this chapter is boring. I've been busy. D:

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