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edited and proofread.


"Why haven't you answered my calls and replied to my texts all day? Do you know how worried I was?!" Mark roughly let go off BamBam and stared at him, a faint sadness was visible in his eyes.

"I couldn't." BamBam had a reason behind not answering Mark's calls or text but he couldn't explain why because Mark wouldn't believe him and Jackson privately mentioned not to explain to Mark about the favour because of embarrassment that he was pitied on.

"Why? WHY?! Also, why the hell are you with Jackson? Have you gone crazy?" His blood was boiling out of disappointment and doubt.

"No... I just wanted to help him out." BamBam looked at Mark in the eyes, hoping he would understand.

"What? By kissing him? I can't believe you." Mark scoffed in disbelief.

"He kissed me. I didn't say I wanted to. It just happened, and I'm shocked myself." BamBam balled his fists, pent up frustration bubbled inside him.

"Oh, it 'just happened'? Like your little date with Jackson?" Tears were threatening to roll down his cheeks as his eyes began to water, Mark having doubts in BamBam.

"Look, as much as I want to tell you, I can't. You have no idea how frustrated I am." BamBam muttered, anxiously biting his lip.

"Why did you lie to me? I was so damn worried because you suddenly stopped replying. I thought something happened to you." Tears brimmed heavily, and they spilt over his lashes like a leak in a water pipe. "But here you are, with Jackson..."

BamBam stood there speechless, wanting to desperately spill the truth.

Mark turned away, wiping his tears with his sleeve. He blinked back the droplets, releasing a frustrated deep sigh. "So now you're loyal to him? A nerd hanging out with a bully? Anyone would be insane to do that." His tone completely changed. It became cold and ruthless.

The words harshly hit BamBam, but he didn't speak or utter a reply. As much as he held himself back, the frustration boiled inside him, and Mark's words hurt. His heart sunk and shattered, a lump caught in his throat as the tears rolled.

Jackson was watching from inside the PC room, clutching his head. "I swear to god." He sighed and walked outside, grabbing BamBam's wrist as he stared intimidatingly at Mark.

"Hey, he had a reason for it. Give him a break. It's not like he wanted to come with me anyway. It was a pity favour, but short-tempered people like you would never understand." Jackson rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed that he exposed something he didn't want to share. He hated having a flaw, and the 'pity favour' showed his weakness.

BamBam struggled in his grip, trying to free himself from Jackson. "I can walk by myself. Let go of me." He sighed, a feeling of hopelessness rushed through him.

He looked at Mark only to receive a frightening glare of disbelief. Sadness shaded behind his eyes, but Mark refused to show it.

"What a mood ruiner. Let's go." Jackson pulled BamBam away, walking down the street as BamBam was blinded by tears, leaving Mark standing there, blood boiling and fists clenched.

They eventually stopped at a bench, Jackson running his hand through his hair as he looked at BamBam. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm okay, I guess." BamBam glanced hopelessly at the ground, recalling the harsh words.


"So now you're loyal to him? A nerd hanging out with a bully? Anyone would be insane to do that."


"Sorry, it was my fault this happened." Jackson looked up at the sky, breathing in deeply.

"No, it's okay." BamBam blinked back his tears.

"I guess things didn't go to plan, huh?" Jackson shrugged, he glanced at BamBam who seemed miserable.

"Go home safely. I'm sure you're not in the mood to talk or hang out anymore." Jackson lightly tapped him on the shoulder and stood up, walking away. "I have some things I need to do anyway. But still, thankyou."

The sky became a greyish hue as the clouds swept over the darkened city.

"What great timing for it to rain."


A/N: Gahhh! Sorry I took so long to update. I got caught up with schoolwork and Wattpad was refusing to cooperate.

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