Chapter 3 boys will be boys

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I reach the doors of church and greet the pastor.

"Hiya pasted dan"

"Hi Anna how you doing"

"I could be better but I'm making it" I smile at him

"We'll we will pray for you" I smile and walk in and sit down next to my brother and hunter.

"We'll we'll we'll look you decided to join us." I glare at my brother as lee,carter,and there mom walk in. I wave lee over here.

"Hey lee sorry I left last night"

"Oh it's ok guess who else left" I look at her confused she points to carter.

"He left with a girl And actually stayed the night with her but he won't tell me who"I laugh and look at him nervously he shrugs. Just as the paster starts the ceremony.

"Lee are you gonna come over or what"

"Yea I'll ride with you" she looks at carter and tells him.

"Hey Anna, lee can I come I mean I'm not busy and was just going to go home but instead can I go" I look at him then lee she shrugs I sigh and nod and head to my truck.

"We're stopping at the store I need junk food" lee laughs

"You need any food" I shrug and head in and go straight to the snack isle. As I'm grabbing some Pringles I hear a voice I know to we'll.

"Hey princess sorry bout the other night I got cried away" I feel my muscle tighten and turn to Cale.

" I'm not gonna say it's ok cause it's not but thanks for the thought of saying sorry."

"Wow ok umm is there anything I can do to say sorry"

"No th....." I'm cut off

"Yea leave" I look to see carter And smile at him he looks at me worried. Cale Looks at carter.

"I'm sorry was I talking to you no" carter looks at me.

"Come on Anna lets go."

"Yea run away like you always do be a little pussy." I stop and look at carter who's already over in front of Cale. Cale has the biggest smirk on his face.

"Excuse me repeat it I dare you." Carter's fist are in a ball you can tell he's beyond mad

"Y-o-u A-r-e. A. P-u-s-s-y" Cale repeats I watch not knowing what to do. I watch Carter's fist come up and collide with Cale's nose I hear a crack. But carter doesn't stop there he hits him a few more times until the store clerk Jill comes and tells them to take it out side, by the time were out the door lees over next to us.

I watch Cale and carter as soon as were out the door there at each other again me and lee let them be for a few until Carter's on top of Cale and there's blood everywhere I walk over.

"Carter stop please stop" he doesn't listen I sigh and drag carter by his collar he looks confused. I drag him to the truck as we all get in.there's a lot of tension in the car so I try to make a joke.

"Looks like you ruined your Sunday clothes" carter looks down at his blood stained clothes and laughs I smile and drive us to my house

"Carter let me clean you up" I say gesturing to his lip and knuckles. I take him into the bathroom and have him sit on the toilet as I clean his lip and knuckles.

"I'm gonna wrap your knuckles"

"Ok..........Anna can I ask you something" I look up at him

"Yea sure what is it." He looks nervous

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