chapter four

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I woke up to a world of calm.

I looked over and noticed the IV in my arm. They must've put some drug into me last night when they found me crying in the halls, crying over the love that I've lost.

But I didn't mind that much.

At least whatever they were pumping into me numbed the pain that seemed to constantly live in my heart after the accident.

A doctor walked in a couple of minutes later.

"How do you feel Britney?"

"Saying I'm fine would be a lie," I said flatly.

It was the cold hard truth, even with this drug I still knew the pain was there. There was no point in lying.

"Hey, can I please leave soon? There is literally no point for me to stay here any longer, the one person I truly loved is gone, and no amount of medicine is going to change that."

The doctor looked confused.

"But Hunter's not gone, he's only a couple of floors above us."

I looked at him with a sad expression on my face.

"He is still physically here, but mentally he's long gone."

It took a while for the doctor to let that sink in, and when it did, he nodded grimly.

"I'll just have to fill out a couple of papers, and then you can be on your way."

He unhooked the IV from my arm, and I felt an absence from my body. The cool liquid was no longer there to numb the pain that coursed through my veins.

I got up and went to a mirror.

I looked like a mess, and I ran my fingers through my long chestnut brown hair and put it up in a ponytail; I was going home anyway and I didn't really give a shit about what anyone thought anyway.

I got changed into my clothes and soon the doctor came back. I signed a couple of papers and almost walked out of the room when something stopped me. I turned around to the doctor.

"Is there any way you can get him to remember anything?"

I must've sounded desperate, because he looked at me with sympathy, as though I was an orphaned child on the streets.

"There really is no garuntee, we can try therapy or hypnosis, but considering the force of the crash, he is just lucky that he is even alive."

I bit my tongue and nodded. I turned around and walked away. I didn't want to be seen crying anymore.




"Hello Hunter,"

One of the many doctors that came to visit on a daily basis was standing before me. This one in particular, Dr. Carlton, was my favorite. She was a middle aged woman who seemed to understand the pain I was going through better than anyone else.

It has been three weeks since I've woken up, and they sent me back to my house last week.

But I still went to the hospital on a lot so they could think of ways to get my memory back.

"How are you feeling today?"

I sighed.

"Frustrated. I don't know anything about my past. Could you maybe tell me about the crash? Like how it happened and who was there?"

No other doctor has told me the full story yet, and she was my last hope.

"Okay. I think your ready for this."

And then she went into the long twisted story of how I lost my memory.

"About three months ago, you and your band mates were in the tour bus coming back to your home town Breaux Bridge after a long eight months on tour. Unfortunately, only two of your band mates survived the crash besides yourself, and that would be Andy Sheridan and Sam Ellis. They barely escaped, Andy with a concussion and two broken legs; Sam with a b

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