Chapter one

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"Hey Hunter, watch this!"

I turned my head in time to see my band member and good friend Sam Ellis standing on one of the beds of the tour bus. He held one of his guitars in his hand and was bouncing up and down.

"Look, I'm you!"

He stuck his tounge out and scrunched up his eyes and jumped off the bed, trying to do one of the many jumps I do at my shows.

I covered my eyes knowing this would end badly.

I heard a loud crash and a moan of pain, and I forced myself to open my eyes. Sam was lying in a pile of notebooks and music sheets, rubbing his head and groaning.

"I don't know how you do that Hunter," he whined, "I nearly broke my guitar trying!"

He held up a now dented guitar.

I laughed.

"Its a secret," I said, "and the master of jumping doesn't tell his secrets."

I took the guitar from his hands and inspected it. I sighed.

"Unless you enjoy playing a dented guitar, it's broken."

Sam looked guilty. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Today was the last day of the tour anyway, remember?"

Just then, Matt walked into the room.

"I think we should go out and celebrate. I mean how often does a moment like this get to happen?"

Everybody nodded in agreement.

"Sounds great, but what do we do? Its already seven and its starting to get dark," Andy said.

"We could go to some sort of night club?" Devo suggested.

"No way," I said.

I wasn't much of a nightclub person, I didn't enjoy the loud music and the thought of a bunch if sweaty bodies surrounding me made me sick to my stomach.

"We could maybe take a nap," Steve shouted from the front if the bus. He was driving. "I'm kinda tired! Not to mention lonely," He added.

We all started laughing.

"I don't know guys, a nap does sound pretty good after a long tour," I said jokingly.

I looked around the bus at the guys. Not only were they my band mates, they were also my best friends. We spent every minute on the road together, and I couldn't be happier.

I felt my phone vibrate against my leg, and I checked to see who it was. It was Britney, my girlfriend. We had been dating for two years now, and I loved her more then anything. I missed her every second I was on tour, and I longed for her touch again.

Sure, we video chatted and called each other whenever we could, but it wasn't the same as actually being together. I couldn't wait to see her again, for a very special reason.

I planned to propose to her when I got back, I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her and grow old together.

I pressed answer on my phone and walked to the back of the bus where I could hear better.

"Hey Brit! What's up?" I asked her.

I usually called her Brit, unless I was mad or being serious. Then I called her Britney. But that barely ever happened.

"Just calling to check up on you. Are you guys almost home?"

"No not yet. We still have about six hours until we get to Breaux Bridge."

I could picture her sitting on that pink and green comforter she has on her bed, frowning when she hears how far I am.

"Well just look on the bright side Brit, I'm almost home."

She sighed.

"I just miss you. Its been months since I actually saw you in person."

"Words can't even explain how much I miss you Brit."

The guys were calling my name, and I realized that we still wanted to go out somewhere.

"Listen Brit, I have to go soon, the guys are calling my name,"

Again, she sighed. "okay fine. See you tomorrow!"

"Love you baby!" I said into the phone.

Just as she was about to respond, I heard a defeating crashing noise and felt myself being flung into the air, slamming head first into a wall. My head exploded in pain and I tasted blood in my mouth.

Then with a sickening shudder, the bus began to roll over.

I was in so much pain that I couldn't process what was happening until it was too late.

The shelves that held all my pictures and books began to slide. My legs weren't moving as they should have been and I couldn't get out if the way.

It all came crashing down on me.

Shards of glass shattered all over me, digging into my skin. I barely felt it when the fan fell. It must've came undone during the crash and broke loose.

I began to feel myself slipping away into darkness. I desperately tried to hold onto something to keep myself from going under.

There was a shattered picture of Brit on the floor next to me, and even with what I was going through, I managed a smile. I hung onto her for as long as I could before I had to let go. I let myself slip into the darkness that was calling to me.

I never really got to hear what Brit said back.


Well that was chapter one.

Don't forget to comment and vote, or whatever floats your boat.

The next nine chapters are probably gonna be kinda short compared to what you're used to because I wrote them all in my notes and everything shows up differently on Wattpad.

I will try updating as much as I can tonight. Then I will get working on eleven and the rest of the story.

- catherine x

Wrecked; a hunter hayes fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now