the end

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hey everyone! It's me, two years later!!!! this is so crazy but i'm grounded and long story short I was looking through my notes on the old ipad because I'm insanely bored and you'll never guess what I found. apparently, someone had asked me for a summary of the end of this fan fiction. I guess I typed it out and pasted it into my notes. I just read it and lost my shit because it's so funny in the most horrible depressing way. I figured I should come on here and share it with whoever is left for old times sake. I hope you all find my demented 15 year old brain as funny as I do! 😂 also, if any of you who happen to see this followed me back when I was into Hunter Hayes three years ago and had a fan account on insta (@huntersaurus ) please message me or something!!! ah I'm just reminiscing over my old online presence. crazy how time flies and things change. I still think of those days sometimes and smile :,)  anyway, sorry for rambling. here's the hilariously depressing summary. Enjoy!

okay so Hunter turns really punk and Brit breaks up with him bc he's not himself anymore and she sinks deeper and deeper into depression and he meets new friends and gets more tattoos and goes to parties and gets drunk. it would've gone on like that for a while until one night when Brit decides to commit suicide. by chance, hunter happens to drop by the house bc he's drunk and wanted her. he comes in to her bedroom and sees he lying on the ground and sobers up for a minute and realizes what had happened. he frantically takes her pulse and its faintly there and he calls nine one one and he's crying ( he's still drunk )  and he's holding her hand and screaming that he's sorry, so so sorry. the emt workers come and take her away and he's left to cry and he finds a suicide note and reads it. he is heartbroken bc it says that she will always love him, and can't wait to see him again in heaven, when he will be back to his self, not the monster that has taken over him. he falls asleep at her house in her bed. the next morning he goes to the hospital and they say she is barely clinging on. Hunter starts crying and screaming while holding her hand the whole time until she passes on. after that, his life is a wreck. he drinks everyday, trying to relieve himself of the pain and guilt. five months later, he cant take it anymore. he takes a gun from his friend in the middle of the night and drives out to the woods, where he shoots himself in the head, in hopes of seeing Brit again. the end. so sorry for the heartbreaking ending.

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