chapter six

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Hunter and I continued to hold onto each other, scared to let go for the fear of losing each other all over again.

He cleared his throat and gently released his grip on my back. I didn't even realize how tight he was holding me.

"Have you done it recently?" he asked me.

I knew exactly what he meant, and I slowly shook my head.

"Five months," I whispered.

Because of Hunter, it had been five months since I had harmed myself. I thought I was done with those days, but after the accident and Hunter not being there, my mind had started slipping back into the dark place that had claimed me before. I was falling down a downward spiral, and I needed him to catch me.

But I really didn't want to dump my problems on him. He was struggling too, with not being able to remember anything.

"I'm okay though," I added quickly. It was only a small lie.

Now that I had Hunter, things would probably be getting better. He gave me a funny look, and I was scared for a second that he wasn't going to believe me. But the moment passed, and it seemed he has believed me.

"So you completely forgot how to play music?" I said, trying to take the attention off of me. He nodded, and I noticed a tear slide down his cheek.

"I at least thought that would be the one thing I would still be able to remember."

It broke my heart seeing him this way, and I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and started pacing the floor. It was a habit of mine, and I know that it always stressed Hunter out when I did it. I tried not to, but it just happens. Kind of like breathing, you just subconsciously do it.

"There has to be some way to get you to remember stuff. I mean where does all that information go? There's not a delete button in your brain, right?" I continued to pace the floor.

"Hey could you stop that, its starting to freak me out."

I couldn't help it, a smile escaped my tense face.

"That's what you would always say back before the crash."

Hunter smiled too, and in that moment everything was okay. I forgot about my own troubles and Hunter had forgotten about his. It was almost like we were normal again.

I walked over to where he was sitting and sat on his lap, leaning my head into his chest.

"I've really missed you Hunter,".

I breathed in the familiar scent of his t-shirts and cologne.

"Don't get too comfortable Britney, I'm not back yet."

And just like that, the moment was over.


that was a shortie.

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- catherine x

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