- Beep. Beep. Beep. -
I slammed my hand against my alarm clock. I woke upset knowing today was my first day being a senior. Finally one year with this dump then I could leave. I groaned as I got out of bed. I went downstairs to make coffee. I knew it would take a while so I went for a quick shower. I got out and grabbed some black skinny jeans, a white cami shirt, and a plaid shirt. I left it unbuttoned. I went and grabbed my Jordan's. I brushed my hair and went downstairs. I sat the stool by the counter as I drank my coffee. Then I heard little footsteps. I smiled instantly knowing who it was. "Good morning mommy." she said. I turned to see my beautiful three year old daughter. She was wearing pink tights and a pink shirt that didn't fit her stomach. She had her favorite blanket that my mom got her. And her hair was a big tangled mess. "Good morning Kylie." I said carrying her. I sat her on the counter getting her a sippy cup with orange juice. "I hungry mommy." she said. I made her some lucky charms and have it to her. "Here you go princess." I said as I placed a kiss on her head. I went to her room to find her clothes. She would be going to daycare today. I got her power rangers shirt with some jeans and her Jordan's. She ran in. "Look mommy! I finished it all by myself!" she said with an empty bowl. "And where did it go? your tummy?" I said tickling her. she giggled. I got her ready. I heard my parents come downstairs. "Coffee is in the brewer!" I yelled. I brushed Kylie's hair into two pigtails. Then I put pink ribbons on each one. "Are you ready for day care?" I asked her as I brushed her teeth. "Yes mommy." she said after rinsing her mouth. "Ok. Let's go wait for your bus." I said. I grabbed her backpack and lunch bag as we went outside. The bus came five minutes later. "Bye mommy. I love you." she said. I have her a kiss. "I love you babygirl. now go have fun." I said. I watched her reach for every step. Then I saw the daycare teacher strap her in a car seat. She waved goodbye to me with a big smile. I waved back. I went back inside. "Don't be late for school Skylar. goodbye." my mom said as she kisses me goodbye. I went to my rook to put my piercings on. I put my gauges, nose stud, and belly button ring on. I checked the time. 10 minutes before school starts. I hopped on my motorcycle dreading what was to come. High school.
"Hey look! it's preggers!" I heard someone say. "Hey! want me to shove my foot up your snatch?" I asked the snobby girl who tried to call me out. She quickly turned. I went to my class and tried my best to pay attention. I just couldn't get the feeling that something life changing was going to happen today. I went through all my classes. Finally lunch. We had an open campus. I usually went to Kylie's daycare to eat lunch with her. I grabbed my lunch sack and headed there. At least this would be fun.

My new life
FanfictionHello. My name is Skylar Marie Lopez. Yes, I'm Mexican. But the funny thing is I don't act like it. Mainly because ever since I moved to a Minnesota private school I have been picked on because of my skin color and last name. And because of that I t...