Chapter 2

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I sat down on the little toddler chair next to my daughter who was showing me the coloring pages that she colored. "Look mommy. the had a dinosaur coloring book! And I colored the t-rex!" she said. I laughed. No Kylie wasn't the most girliest of girls, but she's a perfect little tom boy. "your pictures are very pretty." I told her. "Thank you mommy." she said eating her apples slices. The day care teachers here were the only people that tolerated me. I checked my phones time. I had 5 minutes before class starts again. "Well I have to go already, ok princess?" I said. "Ok. Bye mommy." she said giving me a big hug. I waved and told the teachers goodbye. I hopped on my bike and went back to that dreadful place.

Next was my favorite subject. Science. I always had a love for this. Mainly cause I was the smartest in that subject. "And look at who we have here. Every science teachers favorite student. welcome Ms. Lopez." My teacher said. I smiled at her. "Hello Mrs. White." I went to sit in the front. The teacher started talking and I wrote down the needed supplies for that class. I hope this would be a great year for science at least. She stopped lecturing and gave us the rest of the class period to ourselves. I took my phone out and put my headphones on. I listened to whatever was playing. I think it was eminem, I wasn't really paying attention. Minutes later the bell rang. I didn't have any other class, since I didn't sign up for electives since I've done them all, so I went home. As soon as I got there I went to Kylie's room and cleaned it a little for her. Then I heard the bus coming to drop her off. I went outside to get her. "Mommy!" she yelled as she was getting off the bus. "Hi princess." I said. I carried her as we went inside. "Are you hungry?" I asked her as she put her backpack in her room. "Yes I'm hungry." she replied. I made her peanut butter and jelly with some orange slices. I made some for myself too. I grabbed a blanket and took it outside. We had a little picnic as she told me about her day. "And if you're good, they give you a gold star by your name. If you get five you get a prize!" se said in her little voice. "Wow. did you get a star today?" I asked her. "Yes cause I cleaned up the play floor." she said happily. I taught her how to clean up her toys when she was 2 1/2. "Wow. Great job kyles." I said. I heard the front door open. "Grandma and grandpa are home." I told her. "Gramma! papa!" she yelled. I picked up the blanket and went inside after her. "Hi kyles!" My mother said. She had this look in her eye that something was bugging her. She would tell us later at lunch. She couldn't keep secrets for long.

We were in the kitchen eating moms homemade spaghetti. It was beyond delicious. I went to get the garlic bread out of the oven as she started to talk. "Ok. Skylar. Me and your dad have something to tell you." she said. Oh snap. Are they getting a divorce? Oh my gosh. "Yes?" I said as a question. "Well at the office mine and your dad's boss told us that they made an office in San Antonio. And he needs us to go over there. We are going to be managers there. So it's a big raise. And we move in less than a week." she said kinda nervous. I was in shock. I thought about it for a while. "So I would leave this school?" I said. "Oh no. you're staying." said my dad. I looked at him in shock. "What?!" I nearly yelled. My parents started laughing. "I'm just playing with you. Of course you would move with us. And I know the move is going to be hard for you so you can choose what school you go to." my dad said. I smiled really big. "Oh my gosh. Yes!" I said.

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