Chapter 3 Part One

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I looked back again and saw Harry had already left... great! What do I do now? I looked at the house Harry was in talking to that 'Louis' guy. I guess I could ask him for directions. Wait! My phone... I could call my mom.

I reached into my pockets and found that they were empty. I forgot my book bag. Louis' house it is. I walked back to his home and knocked on the door. I waited forever until some old lady answered it.

She smiled at me and asked. "Hi, who are you."

"Uh, I'm Kennedy. I was just here a couple minutes ago, with my friend. Is Louis still here?" I looked inside and saw an empty hall.

"I'm Mrs. Rose. Why, yes he is! Do you need to speak with him?" Mrs. Rose let me inside and out of the cold autumn air.

"Well... I just need directions to..." I didn't want to give away information.

"To?" Mrs. Rose  asked

"To Holmes Chapel Elementary school. I need to pick up my mother's friend's daughter from there" I remembered the elementary school is close to my house so I could just walk from there.

"Oh, sweetie. You are all the way down town. You would have to catch the bus. Um, and didn't the elementary school let out an hour ago?" Mrs. Rose asked

"Yes I have to pick her up from an after school activity and do you happen to know which bus?" She put on a thoughtful face.

"The next bus to go that way would be in the next hour. All you have to do is go up the street and around the corner." I could wait an hour. I am very patient.

"Ok! Thank you so much!" I thanked Mrs. Rose and I left.

I walked down the street and I  remembered I needed money. I felt around in my pocket and I saw a twenty in American dollars. Thankfully there was an ATM nearby. I now had 12.18 pounds. At least I had enough money to get on the bus. The bus cost ten pounds. I walked over to the bus bench and waited for the bus to arrive.

Harry's pov

I was driving, angrily and I think I ran a red-light but I honestly don't care. Why couldn't she just have stayed in the car? Why did Louis have to look at her like that? He has a girlfriend! I sort of can't blame him though, Kennedy is breathtaking. But he has a girlfriend!!!

This time I stopped at the red-light. I looked down at where Kennedy was sitting. I saw her bag, I guess I have to bring that to her tomorrow. I can't let anyone see me, though. Everyone hates me at school and I don't want Kennedy to be this freak that hangs out with the school bad boy. I wonder what she is doing now.

Ashley's pov

"Focus. Focus. Focus. Don't let the ball get past you. You got this, you got this." I whispered as the ball came closer to the goal.

It tried to make it passed me but I threw my self in front of it and caught it. The crowd cheered and I looked towards my brother and waved. I threw the ball towards the other side of the field.

I had my football game at Holmes Chapel Elementary school. I looked towards the crowds trying to find my boyfriend. I frowned seeing he wasn't here. I guess he isn't coming, even after he promised, again. Whatever, I'm used to it. I focused on the game in front of me.

Kennedy's pov

I got off the bus and walked towards the elementary school and I saw a soccer game! I liked soccer but I was more of a basketball person. I decided to watch for a bit, it was almost over anyways. I stood by the bleachers and watched the game. I looked at the goalies and I recognized Ashlee. I thought she had a football game...Oh! I remember learning in world cultures that football is different in other countries. I'm still calling it soccer ,though.

I watched until it was over and then I greeted her.

"Hey Ash!"

She turned and smiled. "Oh, Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by." I replied.

"Oh, cool! Hey wanna meet my brother, Zayn." I nodded.

I hope she didn't notice my eagerness. I remember what he looked like in the car when he picked Ash up and he was cute... now I get to see him again!

"How old is your brother?" Might as well know right?

"He's twenty-five." Ash replied.

"Oh." Ugh, why does he have to be old.

"Hi Zayn!" Ashlee greeted her brother.

"Hey, Ash nice win!" Zayn and her high- fived.

"Oh, Zayn this is my new friend, Kennedy. She is new at my school."

Zayn smiled at me and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." I didn't know what else to say. "Um, I should get going; my mom is expecting me home soon."

I hugged Ash goodbye and waved to her brother.

"Bye." The both said.

"See ya!" I said.

I walked around a couple blocks until I reached my home. I knocked on the door because I didn't have my key... it was in my bag. My mother opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hi, honey. Come in, come in!" I walked inside and shrugged my jacket off. "So tell me about your first day."

I smiled. "It was good."

My mother frowned obviously not happy with that response.

"Just good, oh well. Anyways uh, where is your bag." I didn't want her to ask but I was prepared for this question.

"I only had a chemistry project for homework that is due in a week, so I just left it in my locker. Unfortunately I forgot my phone and keys were in there. I will just get them tomorrow." My mother nodded.

She walked into the kitchen,I walked around the corner and down a long hallway to my room. I was glad my room was on the first floor, this way I could make it to the kitchen and the living room to watch TV and eat in the middle of the night. I always got to have my midnight snack.

My room walls were a pale blue color, the ceiling was white. All my furniture was white and blue, so thankfully it matched the colors of my room. I had a white bed-side table and a white lamp. I had a glass desk that was in front of my huge rectangle windows. Across from them was my bathroom and my closet they both were behind white doors.

I walked into the bathroom to wash off my make-up and brush my teeth. I have this thing about bad breath, I have to brush my teeth or I won't talk to anyone. I don't know why because I didn't even have bad breath. After my refreshing, I walked into my bedroom and I purposefully fell to the ground. I stared up at the ceiling for what felt like forever and a day until my mother called me downstairs.

I groaned and threw a mini and quiet tantrum because I didn't want to get up.

"Kennedy!" My mother yelled again.

I pushed myself up, can't this woman wait a second!


"I'm Coming! Ok!" She is so annoying.

I walked down the long hallway to come face to face with my mother and someone who I would have never expected to find in my home.

A/N~ HEY!!! This is the first part of chapter 3 I will also be writing the second part. This chapter is important so read! I also edited Chapter One so go and read that again if you want. There are some extra details I added. I just want to remind you one more time.... The next chapter is not chapter 4 yet so I will be writing it, not Mrs_ TomlinsonBoo! Oooo a mystery person... don't worry you will find out who it is in the next part.... maybe. Ha! Ha! Hope you like it! Ok so Bye!!!!- Love ya'll Ande

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