Chapter 3 Part Two

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 My father, my father was in the doorway. I never saw him in person, and I never knew his name, but I did know what he looked like from pictures that my mother hid from me. My grandmother told me, when I asked, that he left because he wasn't ready to have a child. I would try not to question my mother because her heart would break every time she heard of him. I remember when I was a couple years younger than I was now; I found a picture book in my mother's closet. It was full of pictures of her and my father. I looked at him and could tell he had definitely grown since then. He smiled at me and my mother smiled too. Why was she so happy? Wasn't this kind of an unexpected visit? Shouldn't she be crying and yelling at him for leaving her, abandoning me?

"Hi Kennedy, I am your father, Ian James." My father stepped towards me to give me a hug.

How could he say he was my father when he wasn't even here my whole life? He wasn't here to see me take my first steps, or hear my first words. My first words were "Where's dada?" What a stupid coincidence, right?  I always wanted a father I saw how important they were to a girl's life. It made me so upset to see other kids with both of their parents when I only had one. I learned to accept it and I forgot that I needed one because everyone told me I didn't.

All I could say was, "You're not my father."

I took a step back. No. I took steps back all the way to my room. I grabbed my Crème De La Crème sweater and threw it on over my tank top. I put on my green scarf and I already had my shoes on so I then ran to the window and I walked out. My windows are right off the ground so I couldn't have gotten hurt or anything.

I started to run, my heart racing as I pushed myself farther. I was used to running since I was on the track team back home in New York. I ran until I found myself at a park, I walked over to the basketball court and found an abandoned basketball just lying there, so I decided to play for awhile, as I thought about my life. I dribbled it all the way to half court and tried to make a shot. I focused on the back board and then I threw the ball at my target. I watch it go through the hoops and I grabbed the ball again I forcefully threw it at the backboard again because of my anger. This time it bounced off the side of the rim and onto the ground, I watched it roll away to the edge of the wall.

I sat against the wall and put my head in my hands. I was so confused. First it was the fact that I had to move here, then meeting that ‘Harry’, person, then my dad randomly showing up at my house, after not being in my life for seventeen years. I can't process it all.

"Kennedy? Why are you here?" I recognized Harry's voice.

I internally groaned. I looked up at him and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Harry?" I snapped.

Harry looked surprised as I raised my voice. I didn't want anything to do with, Harry, especially after what happened to us earlier. Everything about him screamed 'stay away!' He just kept showing up wherever I went, especially when I needed to be alone.

"Nothing, what are you doing here?" Harry said for a second time.

"It is none of your business." I snapped again.

"Obviously there is something wrong if you're using that tone with me." I could tell he was closer by the sound of his voice.

"I said nothing, Harry! Leave me alone!" I didn't want to yell, but he kept talking.

"Ok, ok calm down." I heard Harry walk away.

I heard the bouncing of a basketball I had picked up earlier, a couple seconds later. I looked up at Harry and saw he was focusing on the basket. I sat for a while as he kept dribbling, never making a shot. I got tired of the repeating sound so I finally got up and stole the ball from him. He looked at me and shock as I made a perfect shot.

"Hey!" Harry yelled at me.

"What? You were taking forever. It got annoying." I told him the truth.

"Whatever, how do you know how to play so well?" Harry asked

“I was on the basketball team, back in New York. Oh, and what I just did was nothing."

"Well, then show me what you got." Harry smirked.

I rolled my eyes as he threw me the ball he just picked up.

"Nah, I'm good." I threw the ball back to him.

I started to walk away but Harry blocked me from leaving. I huffed and tried to go around him but he jumped in front of me.

"Move, Harry." I said Harry laughed as I pushed him, he didn't budge. I huffed again and crossed my arms.

"Let’s play some one on one I will let you go if you get a shot first; if I do, tomorrow I get to take you on a date of your choice." Harry smirked and held out the ball for me.

Treat me in whatever I want, huh? I could take advantage of this.

"Fine, whatever you say, Curly." I agreed.

I snatched the ball out of his hand, I started dribbling and I ran around the court away from Harry. I laughed as Harry tried to steal the ball but he lost his balance. I bounced the basketball over to the basket and I got in a position to make a shot, but as I threw the ball, Harry took his height as an advantage and he caught the ball. He then made a basket and looked towards me.

"No fair! Re-do! You cheated!!!" I was very competitive, I hated losing.

"No, I said whoever gets a shot first. I never said we had to play by rules."

"Ugh bu-, fine Harry, you win." I let it go and then I smiled.

I checked the time on my white watch and saw it was almost seven. The sun was setting and it was going to be really dark, soon. I needed to get home before that and I wasn’t taking a ride from anyone.

 "Oh, I have to go. By the way you're taking me to the mall, Saturday."

"What?" Harry was left confused as he realized I won even though I lost the game.

"See you, tomorrow!" I walked away

Once I was away and out of sight I cursed. I realized going out with Harry is like making a deal with the devil.

I made my way home and I pushed my window open and stepped in my room. I made sure, before I left, that I put my music on maximum volume and I locked my door. I grabbed my pillow off of my bed and I screamed. I opened my door quietly and I hoped no-one heard the faint creaking. I heard my mother and Ian talking.  I crept towards the  hall way and sat. I tuned into their conversation.

“I really messed up, Cheyenne.”  Ian said.

“Ian, no you didn’t. I can perfectly understand why you left; you weren’t ready to have a child. I wasn’t either you just handled it a different way because of fear.” Of course my mother would say that.

“Yes, and I’m ready to be a father now and she won’t accept me.” I heard him let out a sob. Pathetic.

“She will accept you… in time, Ian, in time.” My mother reassured.

No I won’t. I stormed into the living room letting the rage take over my mind. I stopped in front of my parents who were sitting on the couch.

“How do expect me to be happy that you’re finally here?” I harshly asked Ian.

“Now, Kennedy, don’t get that tone with your father.” My mother said sternly.

“He isn’t my fatherMy father would have come back years ago because my father would have known his little girl needed him! Sorry, but if you think I need you now; I don’t, so you can just leave!” I pointed to the door.

I didn’t want to have to be so mean, but it’s true he can’t hop in the door and say, “I’m Home!”, and everything will be ok. I ran back and locked the door. I threw myself on my bed and I cried myself to sleep.

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