{Danielle's Point Of View ~ strange but okay}
Sometimes I just hate coming shopping, the fans always spots us, goes on twitter, reports it then you get a whole lot of girls wait for you outside a shop, any shop. I grabbed Aprils hand and lead the was, her grasp against my hand started to loosen within each seconds until I was holding nothing but air. I presumed that she was behind me so i kept walking behind Perrie and Eleanor.
"Phew, that was a wild one!" Eleanor comments as soon as we loose the fans.
I turned around to see April, "Did anyone hurt you Apr--"
Thats when it hit me, April wasn't behind me, she wasn't here! It was all my freaking fault! Well done stupid goldilocks, I mentally yelled at myself...
Wait, goldilocks?
Oh shut up, and leave me alone! We need to find April.
"Girls, April disappeared, we need to split up so it would be easier for us to find her!" I suggested
"Perrie, do you have your phone?"
"Nope, I'll just go with Eleanor. Dani, stay calm we will find her"
A weak smile appeared and I just nodded, I picked up my feet and started searching everywhere, all the places we went and where we were mobbed. I looked at my imaginary watch and predicted that there would of been no fans around now cause they saw us leave. I need to find April, the guilty feeling washed across my body making a teardrop roll down my cheek.
I know i only met April today, but the way the boys look at her, their eyes shine. I just can't let anything happen to her, I just can't.
I searched around any evidence of April, nothing.
Empty streets, the shops already closed, street lights shinning above the pavement, but no sign at all! I felt like screaming, it's all my fault. I officially hate myself.
Walking around the empty streets, I heard a bunch of girls laughter coming from the alleyway next to pound land. I wanted to follow the laughter but the voices inside my head saying 'no, it's just a group of girls'. But the strange thing Is that i had this little feeling on my heart saying 'go'.
I decided to go against the little voices in my head and walked over to the alley way. As I approached closer, footsteps started to increase louder and louder until demolishing into the darkness.
My observed the Alleyway, full of graffiti with nasty words written all over the walls, the rubbish across the floors, a girls body, the tense atmosphere, WAIT WHAT.
My eyes darted across to the Girls lifeless body, I slowly walked over praying that it wasn't April, as soon as I saw the familiar face, my eyes started to water, this can't be April, no it just can't.
Observing April, she had a massive cut on her forehead, cuts on her arms that read "useless, worthless, fat", the bruises on her stomach that are appearing on her skin, her clothes full of blood. I couldn't do anything right now but I could taste the revenge in the tip of my mouth, the person who did this, will not, I mean it, will not get away from this.

Her Football Passion [One Direction]
Fanfiction"We'll keep you safe, no matter what" Niall Horan.