The Bumpy Chair and The Bad Touch Trio

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Romano:*still scared*
Spain: *Dresses as a tomato again*
Romano: *Laughs*
Me: awww
Me: anyway welcome back
???: Hello
Germany: hello bruder
Me: Hello Prussia
Prussia: ze awesome Prussia greets you
Canada:H-hello Prussia
Me: anyways who would like to ask the question? Prussia how about you since you are new to this?
Prussia: Sure, ok Canada truth dare would you rather?
Canada: truth
Prussia: Do you think I am awesome?
Canada: y-y-y-yes
Prussia: cool
Me: you know what I just realized?
Everybody: what?
Me: Spain, Prussia, and France are here right?
Everybody: Yeah?
Me: Well aren't they in a trio?
Cassy, Tori, Mio, And Daniel: We get it
Prussia, France, and Spain: same here
America: I don't get it
Me: there in a group called the bad touch trio
France: oh yah
Prussia: the trio is back together!!!
Spain: yeah!
China: can I ask the question~aru
Me: sure
China: America truth dare or would you rather~aru
America: dare cause a hero always chooses dare when they play this game
China: I dare you to stop eating any fast food for 1 hour~aru
America: actually I choose truth
Me: no you picked it so you have to do it
America: Fine
~one minute later~
America: MUST
Me and the other girls: *wraps him in a chair with chains*
America: Let me out of the chair I need food
Mio: then eat England's cooking
America: never!!
~one hour later~
The girls: *lets him free*
America: i'm free!!
Cassy: Russia truth dare would you rather?
Russia: Truth
Cassy: do you want to know why your chair is sometimes bumpy?
Russia: yes
Cassy: because you sit on Canada every time
Russia: well that will explain it *sitting on Canada*
Me: you are sitting on him right now
Russia: *gets off of him* sorry for that da~
Canada:it's okay
Prussia: how dare you sit on my birdie
the girls: Awwww
Romano: Spain?
Spain: Yah?
Romano: why are you still wearing that?
Spain: wearing what?
Romano: the tomato costume
Daniel: yeah why are you still wearing that?
Spain: i'm wearing this because I wanted to cheer Romano up
Romano: well take it off it is embarrassing
Spain: *sighs* fine *takes it off*
Me: well that is it for now but we will see you guys next time by
Everybody: by

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