The Killing Squad

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England: hey you guys I'd you see the news today?
Everybody else: no
Mio: what did the news say?
England: it said that three people were killed in their sleep
Romano: wow
*Cassy, Jasmine, Finland, and Me come in the room with blood all over them and holding their weapons *
*put their weapons behind their backs*
Cassy: oh hey
Italy: what happened to you guys
Me: we spilled tomato juice on our selves
Spain and Romano: it doesn't smell like tomato juice
Jasmine: were just going wash this off okay bye
*few minutes later*
Me: okay were back
America: what did you guys do?
Me: what do you mean?
Izzy: I know what they did
Me: don't you dare Izzy
Germany: how?
Izzy: well I'm here 2p so I know what she did
Cassy: don't you dare
Izzy: they made a squad together
Me, Cassy, Finland, and Jasmine: whew
America: thats it?
France: but that doesn't explain about the "tomato juice" and the killing
Izzy: you didn't let me finish my sentence
Romano: tell us already
Izzy: they made a trio together called the killing trio
Me: dang it
Spain: does that mean that you were involved in the killing
Me: you have seen to much Eleka nahmen (wicked anyone?)
Everybody: *knocked out*
England: what happened?
Me: you were about to ask France the question before you guys got knocked out
England: oh yeah France truth, dare, or would you rather?
France: dare
England: I dare you to French fries
France: WHY ;A;
Me: next question
Jasmine: Grace truth, dare, or would you rather?
Grace: dare
Jasmine: I dare you to tell us your best puns
Grace: before I start don't put Prussia on me okay
Me: wait I forgot I hate puns
Jasmine: oh no *hold on to me*
Me: let go of me
Graceland: well aren't you just Russian to conclusions
Me: *breaks free and runs really fast* I HATE PUNS
~one hour later~
Me: okay I'm back
???: why am I here
Me: why are you here
???: I don't know
Grace: oh hi
Romano: who is he
Me: that is Jadon
(I know I said that I won't add anymore characters but I promise that this is the last one I think)
Me: since you are here do you want to ask the next question?
Jadon: sure, Daniel truth, dare, or would you rather?
Daniel: would you rather
Jadon: would you rather let septiplier die or never watch yuri on ice ever again?
Daniel: I can't choose but I would rather let septiplier die
Me: next question
(I'm sorry if this part is offensive to anyone)
Grace: Jadon truth, dare, or would you rather?
Jadon: dare
Grace: do the thing
Jadon: why?
Grace: just do it
Me: oh no
Jadon: jaaa Germany so I'm am half vite half vite chocolate and that half is actually German funny I say chocolate cause German chocolate is delicious ja I'm German I'm goin to steel Ger man (Liza Koshy reference)
Germany: *puts a knife next to his neck*
Me: okay Jadon you are now kicked out of this game so bye
Jadon: *turns into dust*
Italy: calm down Germany he is gone now
Germany: good
Me: well that is it for now but we will see you guys next time bye
Everybody: bye

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