The Pranks

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Me: welcome back and Happy Birthday Japan
Japan: thank you Isabelle-kun
Me: who would like to ask the question?
Jasmine: Isabelle truth, dare, or would you rather
Isabelle: dare
Jasmine: I dare you and Cassy to prank Spain
Me I know just the prank
Me: *turns into the Philippines*
Cassy: *turns into America*
Me: hey Spain
Spain: oh yes Piri
Me: were did I come from
Cassy: *come out of know were* WELL LITTLE GIRL let me tell you the wonders of Spain and Japan at midnight
Spain: America shut it
Cassy: so you take all of the sour lemons and combine that with these peppers called yaoi and a little pinch of limes and then BOOM you got the Philippines
Me: so that is how I'm made Spain?
Spain: um yeah sure
Japan: *nose bleed*
Me: *turns back*
Me: next question
Megan: Cassy truth, dare, or would you rather?
Cassy: dare
Megan: I dare you to prank England with Jasmine and Isabelle
Cassy: okay *turns into a teacup*
Jasmine: *turns into a teacup*
Me: *turns into a teapot*
Jasmin: England its past tea time
England: wait what no its not
Cassy: you think it's a dream this is real life sucker
England: NOOOOO
Me, Cassy, and Jasmine: *turn back to normal*
Me: next question
Russia: China truth, dare, or would you rather?
China: dare~aru
Russia: I dare you to dress up as a doll
China: okay *dresses up as a doll*
Jasmine: *sees him*
China: *stares at her*
Jasmine: *brings out her spear*
China: *steps back*
Jasmine: your going to die doll!
Me: well thats it for now sorry it was shorter than usual but we will see you guys next time bye
(Don't forget to leave some truth dare or would you rather questions)

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