Jonas cant sing?

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Me: Hellooo everybody and welcome to Hetailia truth or dare or would you rather
Cassy: Can I start?
Me: go ahead
Cassy: I dare Jonas to sing
Jasmine: he cant sing
Jonas: B**** I CAN SING
Jasmine: B*** SING!!
Jonas: -sings off key causing everyone to over their ears-
Me: I NEED BLEACH FOR MY EARS!! -runs around-
Jasmine: -left eye glows blue- B**** YOU CANT SING!!
Jonas: B**** YOUR RIGHT SH**
Jasmine: -megalovania music intensifies and kills Jonas-
Jonas: -dead-
Me: -come backs- ok who's next?
Tori: can I ask a question?
Me: sure
Tori: Brian truth, dare, or would you rather?
Brian: Would you rather
Tori: would you rather be stuck on a island with America or England?
Brian: England because he can us magic to get us off the island
Tori: true
Me: next question
Cassy: can I ask the question?
Me: sure
Cassy: Grace truth, dare, or would you rather?
Grace: truth
Cassy: how weird is Graceland
Izzy: yes you are sometimes
Graceland: *sigh* true
Grace: she is really weird
Cassy: wow
Me: next question
Denmark: Norge truth, dare, or would you rather
Norway: dare
Denmark: I dare you to get Iceland to call you big brother
Norway: fine *goes up to Iceland*
Norway: hey Iceland
Iceland: what
Norway: call me big brother
Iceland: no
Norway: yes
Iceland: no
Norway: if you don't I will take away your fridge
Iceland: fine.............Big brother
Norway: *smiles a little bit* *goes to Denmark* there I did it
Denmark: yay see told you, you can do it *puts arm around him*
Norway: don't touch me
Me: well that's it for now
Finland: don't forget to comment some truth, dare, or would you rather questions or suggestions
Me: until then
Everybody: *waves to reader* bye
Belarus: become one with me brother
Russia: no, go away
All the girls except Belarus: BACK IN THE CLOSET YOU GO
Belarus: *in the closet* get me out of here!!

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