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China: what do you want aru?
Everyone: * cheers *
France: what does it say?
Me: it is from LunaxThexNight - I want all of the guys to dance to follow the leader.

Everyone: *claps for them*
Me: ok, we have another comment from _The_Skelebros - Italy are you okay I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable please don't hate me, but can you please sing Insanity? It's one of my favorite songs.
Italy: Don't worry I don't hate you, but don't ask me to talk about again please? Also I would like to sing it

( sorry if it is the wrong song )
Everyone: * claps for him *
Germany: that was amazing Italy!
Italy: ve~ thank you Germany
Romano: tch, stupid potato bastard
Me: well that's it for now
Denmark: Don't forget to leave us some Truth, dare, or would you rather questions/suggestions
Spain: and we will see you next time
Everyone: * waves to readers * bye!
Hey you guys, sorry that it's shorty then what I would usually write I'm just busy with school and I'm getting tired very easily now. Even when I sleep early I just feel dead and, well tired, I hope you all understand. Thank you guys for being patient with this chapter, again sorry for it being short, but I will see you next time. BYE!

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