Chapter 2: This isn't Manhattan anymore

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After paying the cab driver the man took Eva's hand and began walking with her down the sidewalk of the flashy square that looked sort of similar to Times Square, except this square was kind of smaller. The glittering lights of flashy billboards of clothing stores, restaurants, and multiple signs of "Saints Flow" and "Planet Saints" covered almost every part of the city. She saw multiple posters of a woman dressed in purple stretch pants, a black jacket and a pink crop top posing on "Planet Saints" poster. She also saw a handsome man with chiseled features and sunglasses on a poster promoting a purple energy drink named "Saints Flow."

"Who are those people?" Eva asked the man as she pointed up at the billboard.

"Those people are the Saints, the woman is named Shaundi I think, and the two gentlemen are Pierce Washington and Johnny Gat." The man scoffed.

"Are they like celebrities or something?" Eva asked.

"Sadly yes, but they've got nothing on the Morningstar." The man replied confidently. "The Saints may have ran Stilwater, but Steelport is ours." 

"Morningstar and the Saints, what are they, gangs?" Eva pondered.

"Yes, the Syndicate is the oldest running gang in Steelport and we plan to stay that way, if those Saints think that they can take us down, they got another thing coming." 

"Wow, a city completely ran by a gang, never thought I see the day." Eva replied as she kept surveying the city, as she got a closer look at the man she quickly figured out his business from his explanations of the city.

"By the looks of it, you seem to be a member of the Morningstar gang," Eva stated.

"You catch on quickly, sweetheart but you seem alright I'll protect you and keep you away from those dirty Saints." The man replied as he pulled Eva close to him and held her waist.

"You've got a place to stay tonight? It's going to take you a long time to get back to Manhattan." 

"No, I never been here remember?" Eva stated.

"You'll stay with me tonight, a pretty girl like you, shouldn't out here alone." the man replied with a smirk on his face.

"I don't trust you, but I guess I have no choice, don't try anything funny with me, mister," Eva replied strongly.

"A feisty one I see, we'll get along better then I thought we would." The man said jokingly.

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