Chapter 24: Pierced Heart

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For the next few weeks, Eva and Antoine have been doing fieldwork on the Saints. Mostly tasks such as spying and following around prominent members of the gang, most notably Shaundi and Pierce Washington.

Antoine was parked by the meter in a black Infuego. Eva was quickly primping herself in the mirror. She wore a different outfit than her standard Morningstar getup, she wore a form-fitting dark blue catsuit and with matching heels. Albeit it was a little too dressy for walking into a Planet Saints store, but Steelport didn't have a distinct dress code anyway, as plenty of civilians walked around dressed to go to a nightclub.

"Let's go over the plan again." Eva swiped on her lipgloss.

"You're walking sex, to put it bluntly, Attract him and give him your number. His status may even get you invited to their headquarters. That is the ultimate goal."

"Walking sex, got it." Eva took out a small vial of perfume and sprayed it on.

"Try not to linger too long, you want to give him a reason to keep seeing you."

"I'll do my best.

Eva closed the car door and took a breath, she then put on her best Naomi Campbell runway strut and glided into the store. She immediately noticed Pierce by the register, chatting it up with the cashier. Eva held her head up high and strutted by him, she slowed her pace a little to make sure he'd catch a whiff of her perfume.

"What's that smell?" Pierce perked up and slowly turned around to see Eva gliding by. She gave him a small smile as she walked to the bobblehead display shelf. "Uh, excuse me for a minute."

Pierce walked over to Eva who picked up a Pierce bobblehead figure. "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but what is that perfume you're wearing?"

Eva turned around and smiled. "It's called "Pierced Heart", do you like it?"

"I love it, it just the right amount of sweetness for a girl like you." Pierce flashed his pearly whites.

"Real charming, I appreciate the compliment."

"You don't seem to be from around here? Where are you from?

"New York."

"That's quite a way from Steelport, so are you visiting or are you here on business?

"You could say that, I am doing a research project, but I'm really just visiting."

"Here, why you don't take my number, maybe we can meet up and I'll show you around the city, if you're here long enough." Pierce hands her a card.

"Sure, that sounds great."

"Pierce! Come on, we have shit to do!" A female voice with a Latin accent yelled across the store.

"Got to run?"

"Yeah, don't want to keep my boss waiting. I hope to see you soon." Pierce smiled as he walked towards the exit.

"I'll see you soon." Eva sticks the card in her pocket and glances out the exit, she saw Pierce get into a plum purple car with a woman about the same height as him, presumably his boss. As soon as they pulled off, Eva left the store and got back into the car with Antoine, and  they  pulled off from the store.

"So how'd it go?"

"It was a success, I got his number. I also got a glimpse of his boss too."

"So did I, she's a pain in the ass for us." She's tenacious, I'll give her that."

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of her."


"Now that I got his number, what next?"

"Conduct research."

"You heard me?"

"Of course, did you forget that I'm watching you ? Besides we got that store bugged anyway.

"Well I appreciate your surveillance."

Antoine chuckles.

After keeping tabs on the Saints for hours, the two returned to Syndicate headquarters and awaited for further instructions from Loren in the boardroom.

"How's today's report?" Loren sat at the head of the table with Viola and Kiki by his side.

"I managed to get Pierce Washington's phone number." Eva stated.

"Really? How?" Viola asked.

"Me and Antoine were at Planet Saints, all I really had to do was walk by him, and the rest is history." Eva smiled.

"Feminine charm, well played Miss Roman." Loren congratulated.

"We also continued to stake out some of the Saints, we did catch a glimpse of their boss as well." Antoine added.

"No contact?" Loren took a drag from his cigarette.

"No, we didn't see a need, but we did notice them buying up some property around the city, none of ours yet, but just some apartments and liquor stores." Antoine continued.

"Good, keep at it."

"Will do, Mr.Loren."

"Before you go, remember we're having a party for our network contacts in a few weeks. I need you two to be there, at least make an appearance until I call you, I also need you two to accompany Viola and Kiki to their art gala later that night."

"Sure thing." Eva nodded.

After the meeting, Antoine dropped Eva off at her apartment. Although she was getting into the swing of things within the Morningstar, she still couldn't shake the feeling of her future undercover switch to the Saints. She would have to have a really good reason and backstory in order for the Saints to at least associate with her. Especially since she met a prominent member of the gang, one of the public faces  at that, this is where the hard work starts.

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