Act IV

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F2.1: But, where did she go?

M1.1: She's still right there (points to the empty puppet that slithered to the edge of the e-garden, it no longer has a golden glow to it).

F2.1: That's not what I mean. Her... soul is gone. Where?

M1.1: How would I know? I don't even know where we are now.

A new woman is inserted. The puppet slithers onto her hand and regains the golden glow.

M1.1: You're back!

F1.2: (with the same female voice as F1.1) What is this?

M1.1: You already asked me that.

F1.2: What? I've never asked you... anything before. I've never seen... anything before.

M1.1: Yes you did. Just a moment ago.

F2.1: You do seem different. Perhaps your soul has been changed.

F1.2: What is a soul?

M1.1: That's a good question.

F2.1: I don't know. It just seemed like the right word. A moment ago you looked like you were gone, but your body was still here. And then you came back.

F1.2: That... did I? That doesn't make any sense

M1.1 is pulled from the garden.

F2.1: See? Like that.

F1.2: [fear] Okay. I see. What's going on?

F2.1: I was hoping you could tell me. You're the one who left and came back.

F1.2: I told you I've never seen you before. I have no idea what's going on.

A new one is inserted and the male puppet slides onto her hands.

M1.2: What is this?

F1.2: Where did you go?

F2.1: Do you remember where you went?

M1.2: (After a brief moment of confused awe) Who are you?

F2.1: You don't remember us? You were just here.

M1.2: Um.. No I wasn't. What are you talking about?

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