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Man 10 enters the room and seeks out man 9.

Man 9: Hey. Welcome back.

Man 10: Thanks, I think.

Man 9: Ready to jump into things?

Man 10: You have no idea. Did I miss anything?

Man 9: Well, we've had some success in getting some of them to take us into our mouths. She (points to M1.9) is something of-

Man 10: She?

Man 9: Oh. We are saying "she" and "her" instead of "he" and "him". And instead of "his" we are, again, saying "her".

Man 10: Well, alright..

Man 9: Also, we're calling this whole process 'fucking.'

Man 10: Any particular reason?

Man 9: You know, I didn't ask.

Man 10: Well, okay then. Where is the Captain?

Man 9: I believe he is working on some project to get them all to take us into their mouths.

Man 10: Alright. Where is he working on the project?

Man 9: Oh. Around there somewhere (points to the general vicinity of where man 1 is working with his instruments).

Man 10 walks to the area, passing several women bent over tables taking it from behind, some of them with a man on the other side also thrusting into their mouths. He finds the Captain sitting at the table behind Man 1's instruments. He has three glimmering replicas of his cock sitting on the table and is grinding up a puppet.

Man 10: Captain?

Captain: Ah. Welcome back. How are you feeling today?

Man 10: Resolute.

Captain: Well, that's a new one. The other guy just said "curious".

Man 10: What?

Captain: Eh. It doesn't matter. So, are you ready to join in the studies?

Man 10: As a matter of fact, yes. I even thought of a new idea while I was away.

Captain: Oh?

Man 10: Yes. Has anyone tried fucking one of them while they were still in the e-garden?

Captain: (considers for a moment) No.

Man 10: Well, I want to.

Captain: And what do you hope to discover?

Man 10: I don't have any particular thing in mind. But if it hasn't been tried, it should be.

Captain: Fair to say. Take the one in the middle. She is the newest of the batch.

Man 10: Aye, captain.

Man 10 walks towards the garden, passing several women. A select few are being triple penetrated, but none except M1.9 has opened their eyes. He gets behind one of the women (M24.1) still in the e-garden and rests the tip on her ass, unlubed. Slowly but steadily he pushes forward until he is mushing her butt. He rests there for a moment and exhales and then begins rapidly thrusting. Man 12 approaches with a woman on a cart.

Man 12: What are you doing?

Man 10: Fucking.

Man 12: Yes, I can see that. I mean why are you fucking her before she is done?

Man 10: To see what happens...

Man 12: Oh... I'd have never thought of that. How is it going?

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