Act VI

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F1.2: See? Like that!

M1.2: Huh. Does that happen to all of us?

F2.2 is inserted into the garden.

F1.2: Apparently, it has happened to both of us so far.

F2.2: What is this?

M1.2: And she's back.

F1.2: It's not her

M1.2: What do you mean "it's not her"?

F1.2: You know how we asked you what you remember when you came back? She won't remember anything either.

F2.2: Remember what?

F1.2: See?

M1.2: Well, I suppose it's death.

Everyone goes quiet

F2.2: [fear] What are you talking about, death? I was only just born.

F1.2: And everyone seemed to be doing just fine when it happened.

M1.2: That doesn't mean they can't die.

F1.2: They weren't injured or sick. How is it possible for people to die without getting injured or sick?

M1.2: Old age?

F2.2: I was only just born!

M1.2: Then you're young. But you'll be old eventually.

F1.2: I'm not old either.

M1.2: You're the oldest among us

F2.2: Then that makes her the wisest. So she can tell you are full of it.

F1.2: Correct. I am not old, and am not going to die any time soon.

F1.2 is pulled from the garden

M1.2: Hmm. Well, that was both sad and hilarious...

F2.2: [horror] (shock and horror) She's dead... That was my fault. I killed her.

M1.2: What? No you didn't. You weren't even close to her.

F2.2: But I coaxed her into refuting death, and it came for her.

M1.2: That's nonsense. You have no more power to invite death as she had to fend it off.

A new one is inserted

M1.2: Anyway, she's back. Sort of. And I need a... (He grabs an apple and eats it. Another one immediately grows in its place.)

F1.3: What is this?

F2.2: I'm so sorry I made you die.

M1.2: Did you listen to anything I just said?

F1.3: Wait, I died?

M1.2: No. You were just born.

F2.2: Don't listen to him. I told you to deny death and it came for you.

M1.2: Don't tell her not to listen. We have quite enough of that, thanks.

F2.2: I'm trying to be sincere here!

F1.3: Alright! Apology accepted. Now, what's going on?

M1.2: We all keep dying and being reborn as someone else. She seems to think that this time it was her fault..

F2.2: (Gets an apple and eats it) What I think... is that you will die next.

M1.2 is pulled from the garden

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