Act V

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The second one seems a bit livelier. The man fucking her decides to attempt to put her on top and set her to the task. Of course, she only lies there squirming a little. A man observing this notices her butthole, and moves to attempt to thrust into it, but finds it difficult.

Man 5: (from beneath the woman) What are you doing?

Man 6: There's another one behind it.

Man 5: Another what?

Man 6: Another... opening. I was trying it out, but it... doesn't go in easy.

The captain overhearing this approaches.

Man 5: (after a pause) Try wetting it.

He retrieves a nearby substance and applies it to her ass. He pushes his cock in smoothly. She briefly inhales and wiggles slightly.

Man5: How about that. It's more responsive now than it was before. Good find.

Man 6: That's... to be determined...

Captain: Is there something wrong? Do you feel anything new?

Man 6: No, I'm feeling something old. Disappointment.

Captain: What? You're sure? How do you know?

Man 6: I've seen the texts.

Captain: You're familiar with the texts on mortal emotion, too?

Man 6: Those are the only texts I'm familiar with.

Captain: Wait. What? You didn't read anything on nautical navigation?

Man 6: I was the last immortal the emperor made. I was told you were my captain, and followed you to find you in the library of mortal emotions. It was empty after you left, so I read. I had only just finished the library when this voyage was announced.

Captain: You read the entire library?

Man 6: Yes. Were we not supposed to?

Captain: I guess... it doesn't matter. Nothing was organized. We were all working at random, with infinite time to get something right, with no idea what "right" would look like. But I thought mortal math and necromancy were assumed to be the most useful.

Man 6: Why? Because no one understands it?

Captain: Well, yes...

Man 6: Those libraries were crowded. I may not have had a sense of urgency, but I did have a sense of efficiency.

Captain: Alright. Fair enough... Getting back to the issue at hand, you are disappointed and yet this is the best response we have seen.

Man 6: I think.. the response is... okay. But not enough. It's hard to explain, but this disappointment feels like it has an expectation associated with it.

Captain: I don't suppose you can specify the expectation?

Man 6: Of course not, unfortunately. I can only guess.. It seems to have something to do with... reverence or prestige.... In any event, I don't think this is something worth pursuing.

Man 5: But it's more responsive. That's very helpful for those of us researching the first finding.

Captain: Quite right. But there is no reason to subject ourselves to disappointment willingly. This finding should only be explored by informed volunteers, and should not be considered obligatory.

Man 6: I suppose that is fair.

Man 5: Aye captain.

They remove the third woman from the garden.

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