Mike had fallen asleep on the couch watching tv. I got up to check on his sister, make sure that she didn't need anything before I left. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I assumed that she had fallen asleep until I noticed that the door was cold while the apartment is hot. I opened the door to find that the window was wide open. I went over and looked out the window to see the fire escape there. I ran out of the apartment to go look for her. I walked all over the city for what feels as though it has been hours.
I eventually found her in an alley. she had no shoes on and she also had no jacket on. she was unconscious. Her lips had started to turn blue. I ran over to her, scooped her up in my arms can carried her home.
When I got to her apartment I put her on her bed and held her. I used some of my heating ability to help her. If I am stuck with it might as well use it to save someone. She didn't move so I turn my body temperature up a little more. She moved her head a little. Her lips started to turn back to there normal color which is a good sign. when her eyes started to flutter open, I laid her down and left the room. I sat down and watched tv until the door opened. "Hey, you are still here?" Emily asked me. I looked at her and smiled because she was okay. "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay before I left." I said to her. She smiled at me and said "That's sweet of you. Well come on." She started to motion me into her room so I got up and went into her room.
I say down on her bed as she walked over to it. "So, you and my brother?" she asked me. I had to think it through it was an odd question then it hit me. "I not gay!" I said. she started to laugh. through the laughter she was able to say "Sorry. I thought you were since Mike was having you here while I was gone so I just figured... that you were." I waited till her laughter had died down. "He invites me over when you are not home so we can play xbox games. He does this because he doesn't want you to think that he is sloppy or is like every other big brother out there, who seem to only care about video games." I told her. Her face went from having a smile to being serious. "Really?" she asked. I nodded my head. Suddenly I felt extremely shy. Which is weird for me considering I am normally extremely outgoing. "So how old are you?" I asked her. She smiled and said "I am sixteen. Why? How old are you?" she asked me. I looked at her and shook my head. "I am eighteen. I wast just wondering how much younger you were to your brother." I told her. She nodded at me like sure, okay, whatever you say. I smiled at her. "what?" she asked me. "Nothing." I said looking at her. I looked right into her eyes. They are such a dark blue o-or are they ice blue? Did her eyes really just change? they changed just like mine did. "It's getting late I should um probably go." I said "You know got work in the morning" I added as I walk out the door.

When Ice Falls for Fire
FantasyA boy and a girl get cursed with fire and ice powers. They fall in love but will they be able to control the gifts that they have or will their love be their destruction? (If you likes this book please check out the sequel product of fire and ice)