Emily pov

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Kyle and I watched movies and cuddled. I looked at him and he looked back at me. A warm feeling started in my tummy and spread across my body. I leaned in and he leaned in also. his warm lips met my cold ones. The softness of the kiss got harder. He got up and helped me, not breaking the kiss. He kissed me harder. We pulled away for only seconds to get some air. Then our lips are together again. We leads me to his room. He pushes me up agains the wall. Heat corses through my body. Ice sprays the walls in the shape of my body. He pushes me against the wall again putting his hands on my waist. I smell smoke and burning paint. His hands slid up my shirt but then slid back down to my waist. Then Kyle breaks away. He breaths heavily for a long period of time. "Sorry." he said looking at me. I nod and say "No, it's fine." I walk over to him and kiss him. He looks down at me and smiles. I take his hand and lace my tiny, cold finger into his nice warm fingers. I lead him back into the living room, where we watched movies and slept there cuddled till the morning sun shines.

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