Chapter Eight

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A/n:  ^Angelina's song^

It's a short chapter but I'm I'm  posting it.... enjoy 😙


"I bet your lips taste like strawberries..." he says, continuing to stare at my mouth, unapologetically.

Ummm what?

"Excuse me?"

"......or peaches," he adds quietly and it seems as though he's talking more to himself than anything. His face is  getting closer to mine and his eyes never leave my mouth causing me to start panicking a little.

"Gavin..." I say trying to pull him from this trance but his tongue darts across his bottom lip.

Move your body, Angelina..

He's getting closer, you need to move..

Or say something...

But I don't. I lay there frozen, watching him get closer and I can't fight the fact that I want to know what his lips taste like, too. They're so full and inviting and they look really soft.

Oh shit he's going to kiss me.....

I've known him for three whole days and he's in my room about to kiss me...

Why am I not yelling at him?

Or kicking him in the balls?!?

Our mouths are a half inch apart, his dark eyes finally meet mine before he very slowly runs his tongue across my bottom lip.

The scent of his minty breath invade my senses and I have an instant craving to taste him. My eyes close involuntarily and I lean into him waiting for him to make full contact but he never does.

I open my eyes and he's just looking at me grinning.

"Cherry chapstick...." he states simply, the smirk never leaving his face.


"That's what you taste like...cherry chapstick," he says and I sigh in frustration.

"You thought I was going to kiss you," he teases.

" I didnt," I roll my eyes.

Real smooth.

"Yes you did. You closed your eyes and everything," he grins wider, "...which means you WANTED me to kiss you,"


"Whatever, Gavin," I feel my cheeks flushing. What am I fucking twelve all over again?!

Guys never get the best of me so this whole situation is new to me. I've had one boyfriend and it wasn't even that serious.  It's just never been a priority in my life.  I was never "boy crazy" like a lot of my friends were, probably because I was more than likely hanging out with the boys. I never found anyone interesting enough to hold my attention for more than five minutes.

"Just tell me what you want, Angel. I can kiss more than your mouth..." he whispers and starts moving towards me again.

Yes, please.

"Come near me again with that mouth and I will rip your lips off your face and shove them so far up your ass....."

"Whoa whoa whoa killer," he laughs, interrupting my rant. " No need to get feisty because you're embarrassed that you got caught desperately pining for my mouth and are now trying to cover it up by acting like the cliche girl that 'doesn't get affected that easily by guys,' " he air quotes that last part and my mouth hangs open after his little speech sinks in.

This bastard.

" up," I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and stare defiantly at the ceiling.

His laugh pisses me off even more because that cocky asshole knows he's right and I can't even try to act like he didn't just read me like a book. The second I think I have this kid figured out, he goes and fucks everything up.

He comes off as that bad boy with the ego so big he can't really function in real life because the needs of his dick are always priority.  One of those guys who have no clue what's actually going through a girls head because, too be honest, they could care less.

I judged him by his cover and ended up getting exactly the opposite of what I thought. An insightful smart ass that knows what he's talking about and calls you out on your bullshit.

"You want to talk about cliché? You're the 'wanna be bad boy' that came to my house in the middle of the night singing and then proceeded to climb threw my window, call me every nickname in the book, and practically sexually assault me..." I shoot back at him because it's really all I have at the moment. How dare the prick call me cliché when he's acting like a character plucked right out of a teen fiction.

"And you liked it," he shrugged.

"You're so infuriating," I let out a long breath trying to calm myself.

"Awww don't pout, Angel," he juts out his bottom lip mocking me. "It's ok for someone to be right other than you you know.." he lays back down and we are once again both on our backs, facing the ceiling.

I have officially no more energy to fight with him anymore. I don't even have the willpower to make him leave. My eyes feel heavy and I focus on keeping them open while I faintly notice Gavin digging through his pockets.

I peak out the side of my eyes and see him plugging earphones into his phone and then typing something. 

"Here...." he hands me one ear bud and I hesitate for a second before I put it in my right ear because it's closest to him.

"Now close your eyes and dream of psychopaths...." he says with humor quietly before my choice of song, Closer starts flooding my ears and I grin with my eyes close.

My mind drifts to bad ass movie scenes, fire and explosions, before I  slowly slip into dreamland.

And I dream of Gavin.


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