Chapter Thirteen

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You requested gifs....I give you gifs ^ 😉

Soooooo I should be studying for my pharmacology final....

*Runs around room*

...but this is more fun. Sorry Vanessa, don't yell at me. You know you love me 😋

Ok I'm going to study now! Enjoy the chapter ya perverts 😙


Just hearing those words and watching the intense expression on his face could throw me over the edge right now. Something about the way he looks at me does crazy things to my head. It's like he's known me forever and he wants access to my every thought.

My lips part and my mouth falls open as my back arches off the bed. He grins at my reaction of the way his hand moves before his glare falls to my lips.

"Gavin....I don't think.." my words fumble out of my mouth in quick, heavy breaths and I don't even know what I'm trying to say.

I want to protest what's happening but nothing in my body will let me say it. I've only known him for a week and the fact that I'm letting this continue goes against everything I usually do when it comes to guys.

But Gavin is not your usual guy...

"What's wrong, Angel?" He leans over and I tilt my head back to give him access to my neck. My eyes roll back when I feel his tongue glide up slowly from the base to below my ear.
"You're not making any something distracting you?" He whispers as his hand still moves with a little more pressure against me.

"Yes..." I moan out and I have no clue if I'm answering his question or agreeing with the incredible feeling of the things he's doing. My right hand grips his shirt and my left reaches back, holding onto the pillow under my head.

"I haven't even fully touched you yet," He says in a low, husky voice but there's a hint of humor. My belly tightens just thinking about him doing this with no barrier.

He places his body between my legs, pushing my legs apart to accommodate his hips and his hand slips into my pants and under my panties. Leaning on his left forearm, his face is an inch from mine now.

  He watches my expression as he pushes his fingers inside me, his hips moving against me at the same rhythm of his hand.

"Oh God..." my eyes roll back and his mouth crashes to mine, muffling the sounds coming from me. Never in my life have I felt like I do right now . It's almost too much to handle and my nails bite through his shirt and into his back.

His mouth breaks from mine and he lays his forehead against mine. I feel my breathing get faster, his eyes boring into mine. Every time he pushes his fingers, his hips follow the motion like he's imagining himself inside of me.

"I can't wait for the day I get to feel you...I'm going to make you forget your own name," he growls, his hand moving more urgently with his words. That familiar building of tightness forms in the pit of my belly and I know I'm close to unraveling.

Rolling my bottom lip between my teeth, I attempt to fight the sounds that are threatening to burst from my mouth. Looking over, I notice that he never bothered to close his window and in a about ten seconds, all the people out there will be very aware of what's going on up here.

A grin spreads across his face when he notices me looking from the window back to him.

"No one else matters, Doll. I want to hear every bit of what I'm doing to you," he demands before bringing his mouth to my neck once again. He bites the skin and groans, pushing his hips forward with his hand over and over in fluid motions.

"Gavin....I can't..." I pant and claw at his back because I can't handle the feeling anymore. I'm one second from the edge and I feel like he's keeping me there on purpose.

"I could keep you on this cliff all day..." he says calmly, trailing his lips from my neck back to my mouth.

Torture.  This is the best form of torture anyone could ever put someone through. I get a mental picture of Gavin holding me by one hand as I dangle over an actual cliff. I look down at an angry ocean as waves crash against the rocks before looking back at his grinning face. He's enjoying every minute of holding me there; teasing me when all I crave is to feel those waves against my body.

Just let me go..

"Please..Gavin..." I beg, wanting him to do whatever he needs to do to let me fall over that cliff.

The hand resting next to my head slips into the back of my hair. He grips and pulls causing my head to tilt back and he holds me there so I have no choice but to meet his stare.

"Don't close your eyes," he demands before his thumb suddenly glides over that perfect spot. A sharp, quick intake of air hits my lungs before I completely fall apart, staring into the dark eyes that will forever change me from this point on.

He gets what he wants as he watches me come apart at his hands. Profanities slip past my lips but I could care less because the intense waves rolling over my body make me lose all awareness of my surroundings.

"My beautiful, sexy, Angel," he whispers quietly against my lips as I come down from the high.

It's almost as if he's talking to himself and I wasn't supposed to hear the words. They scare me. This whole moment scares me because of how intense it was. We formed a connection that won't be easily broken and I know one thing for sure in that moment....

He will destroy me.


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