Chapter Nineteen

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A/N :

I don't know why I am the way I am...

This is pretty much the second part to the last chapter. Again, I just legitimately have no patience.


"This isn't funny, Gavin. You better not be messing with me," I warn him, watching as he stands dangerously close to the edge.

He stays there, silently looking down and I desperately try to think of a way to get him to walk back towards me.

"Come on, you can talk to me.... Whatever is bothering you, just tell me.." I say cautiously.

I couldn't handle seeing something happen to him.  It would be what would break me into a million tiny pieces that would never be put back together.

After a second, he turns his head,
"Seriously? You're going to act like one of my therapist's now?" He spits out and the anger in his voice takes me by surprise.

"Of course not," I shake my head in disbelief that he would think that.
" I'm your friend, Gavin. You can tell me anything," I say sincerely.

He turns his body and I breathe a sigh of relief when he walks towards me and away from the edge but that relief is quickly gone and replaced with fear when I see his face. His eyes look black the look of pure hatred he has makes my heart speed up.

He stalks towards me angrily and I quickly walk backwards towards the car.

"That's just it, Angel. I can't talk to you or anyone else..." his tone is low and intense and my back hits the car leaving me no where to go.

His face is an inch from mine and the look in his eyes is haunting. Where the hell did all those come from? He was fine five minutes ago and now I feel like I'm with a completely different person.

"...nobody truly gives a shit," he adds.

Now that he's away from that cliff, I'm not walking on egg shells anymore. I don't deserve this sudden burst of anger because I did nothing wrong.

"Fuck that!" I shove his chest but he doesn't budge an inch. It's like trying to push a stone wall. "I try to talk to you, Gavin! I try to get you to open up but you never do! I tell you about myself and I get NOTHING IN RETURN!" My temper gets the best of me and at this point I'm screaming in his face.

"You think you've been open with me! THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT! You haven't told me a quarter of the truth so don't act like your a God damn saint, Angel!" He screams, his body pushing me against the car.

"How would you know if I was telling you the whole truth or not?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME?!" I'm seeing red at this point. He's acting like I'm the one hiding shit but I've given him a mile without him giving me an inch.

He just stands there with his chest heaving, nose to nose with me but not saying a word. It's like the truth just wants to spill out of him but he's holding back with all his power.

"WHAT?!" I push him again but he just ends up closer to me, pushing me harder against the car. "SAY IT!" I raise my hands again to push him but he catches them with his and slams them on either side of me.

I struggle against his hold but there's no use. He's obviously much stronger than me but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.

"You're so frustrating! You come into my life and just turn everything upside down and I don't even know you!"

"YOU DO KNOW ME!" He yells.


His expression changes slightly and he tilts his head to the side. He almost looks amused all of the sudden.

"No, you wish you hated me..but you don't, " he grins.

I can't argue with that. I'm so very far from hating him that it hurts.

"Ughhhh," I continue trying to pull my wrists from his grip, wiggling my body but he pins me with his.

He let's out a deep, throaty laugh before brushing his lips against mine.

"You're so fucking sexy when you're mad," he says against mouth and my body goes into instant overdrive.

What the fuck?!?

My body is a trader!

This is the only thing I hate about Gavin Mitchell.  I have no control over my body when I'm around him. What if I wasn't done being mad? What if I wanted to continue arguing but he just fucked it all up with his mouth.

I tilt my head back, looking him in the eye as our mouths still remain a half inch apart.

"Fuck you," I spit back with a smirk.

His hands leave my wrists and wrap under the back of my thighs.  He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me back against the car.

"Fuck you, too," he growls before crashing his mouth to mine.



Ahhhhh, who doesn't enjoy some angry sex? Am I right?

If you need me, I'll be busy researching gifs for the next chapter.

*hangs do not disturb sign up*


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