Chapter Twenty-Seven

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This will be the third time I'm posting this song at the top of a chapter. The second time in THIS book.

Because I love it.

And you'll see why it needed to be added once again.



"What are you staring at?" I ask, walking around his room as he sits in the desk chair. I feel his eyes on me with every move I make.

"Just thinking,"

I look over and he's leaning back, both feet planted on the floor with his hands gripping the handles of the chair. He still hasn't put a shirt on and I find it incredibly distracting.

"Thinking about what?" I stop and cross my arms.

"Well, first I was trying to remember if I had any more sharpies laying around that I needed to hide," he gives me a death glare and I laugh.
"And then I was thinking how fucking sexy you look in my clothes and how I wish I could see you in them forever,"


He stands up from the chair and walks towards me with that look of hunger and my arms drop to my sides. How can a hoodie and basketballs shorts be sexy?

"And THEN I was thinking that even though you look incredibly hot in these clothes..." he finally reaches me and slides his hands up under the sweatshirt and against the bare skin of my back. "...I want to rip them off of you," he grins.

I smack his hand away.

"I'm never taking this hoodie off," I say defiantly.

"Ever," I cross my arms and raise my chin.

"Is that a challenge, Doll?" His grin gets wider.



"I have handcuffs,"


"Good, just try to get them on me," I say without missing a beat.

He lifts me over his shoulder before I have the chance to get away and he laughs at my feeble attempts to break away.

"You know how much I love a challenge," he says and then smacks my ass.

I yelp before he drops me onto his bed but I don't have time to go anywhere because he's instantly on top of my, straddling my legs so I can't move.

"Gavin, get off of me!" I yell, smacking his chest but he just ignores me. He reaches for something under his bed, placing his body weight on me and I scream at myself that this is not the time to be turned on.

He sits back up and I stop struggling when I see the silver cuffs dangling from his finger.

"I don't even want to know why you have those under your bed,"

"Because I knew I would need to hold you hostage in my room one day," he smirks.

"There's no way your getting those.." I'm cut off by his hands grabbing my wrists and attaching them to his headboard at superhuman speed.

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