Chapter Twenty-Two

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Gavin: You done yet?

His text comes just as I step out onto the porch and his impatience makes me smile. I've tried to keep myself busy today but all I found myself doing was constantly looking at the clock. I don't even know what I said in that appointment because my head was some where completely different.

And yes, I caved and changed his name in my phone.

How could I not after a night like that?

I look up to his window and it's open but I don't see him so I just text him back.

Me: Yeah I'm outside

Gavin: I need you to do me a favor real quick...I'm trying to figure something out

I quirk an eyebrow at my phone wondering what the hell he would need me to do from out here.

Me: Ok what is it?

Gavin: I need you to put your phone on the railing and walk to the right side of the house. You'll see a small window up on the second floor. I'll tell you the rest from there

Again, I stand there confused as I read the directions. I can't even try to guess where he's going with all this but Gavin is always full of surprises and I'm starting to learn to just go with the flow.

I place my phone on the railing like he told me and walked off the porch and around to the side of the house. I look up and see the small window and stand there waiting for more instructions.

"Hey, Doll," he leans out with a big smile and my stomach flips instantly. He has on a long sleeve, black and grey shirt that fits nicely to his body and matching beanie that for some reason makes his level of sexy increase ten fold.

"What do you need from me, Gavin?" I stand impatiently, my hand on my hip. On the inside, I'm screaming to get up there and touch him.

"Ok, so I'm trying to test this theory out but I just needed an extra person," he explains.

"Ooookkk," I say, hesitantly.

"So, first I need you to turn towards the house next door," he instructs, so I turn and face the neighboring blue house.

"Ok, now what?" I throw my hands up and wait for more directions.

"Ok, now close your eyes and tell me if you can hear anything,"

I close my eyes and listen intently.  I have no idea what I'm listening for but I try to see if I hear anything other than the usual cars or kids playing in the distance.

But I don't.

Just before I'm about to ask what I'm suppose to be listening for, I have an entire bucket of ice cold water dumped on my head.

This. Fucking. Bastard.

The sudden jolt of cold makes me scream and then leaves me standing there in shock with my hair wet and stuck to my face. My arms out to my side, dripping as the fabric of my shirt clings to my body.

Only then do I register the sound of someone laughing hysterically. I'm pretty sure it's the person I'm about to murder but I look up just to make sure.

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