*~Author's Note~*

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I know, I know....

It's not an update but I wanted to say a few things before I continue this book.

1. I LOVE you all. You guys are so incredibly positive and I just wanted to say I appreciate my little group of readers.

2. I've NEVER  written before I joined Wattpad in September. Not even a short story.

3. Because of my lack of knowledge when it comes to writing, there will be mistakes.  I have no clue how to "character develope" or anything like that.

4. I literally write sentence by sentence.  My chapters are not planned out, they just spew out of my brain so I know as much as you do as far as where the book is going lol
There probably will be times that certain things don't completely make sense and loop holes will pop up but I'll fix them.

5. Grammar. I'm clueless.  The last time I learned anything in this subject was probably 10th grade English and that was.....fifteen years ago...Dear lord I'm old.

6. On that note, I just want to say again, THANK YOU guys for not picking on my hideous grammar and spelling. I'm trying to improve with every book.

I hope to one day have a book that will be enjoyed by millions.

But until then, I'm happy to have you guys to brighten my day and get me through the hell that is nursing school.


P.S  I got an 88 on my first final today and officially passed that class with an A! Only one more to go! 😁


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