Chapter Sixteen

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Clearly I need an intervention...but anyway

This is actually just the second part to the last chapter, I just didn't have it completely finished when I updated so that's why it's short....but here it isssss!


I must be fucking nuts.

I'm actually laying in my bed, fully clothed and waiting for the text Gavin said would come around midnight and I'm legitimately questioning my own sanity.

What is it about this particular human being that makes me lose all common sense?

His eyes....

His smile....

Shut up.

I want to grab my phone and tell him to  forget it but he conveniently took my number without giving me his so I have no way I contacting him before he does.


I stare at my innocent, glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, wondering if tonight is the night I'll see jail for the first time.

I think about all the possibilities of where would could be going and I get those nervous butterflies... that kind that makes you feel like you're going to throw up and poop at the same time.

Very ladylike...

My phone vibrates next to me but I keep staring up. I feel like my innocence is about to be taken away. Like I'll never be the same after tonight and as soon as I realize that I love that thought, I pick up my phone.

Unknown: Move your ass babe...places to be.. people to see

I grin down at my phone like a stupid fucking idiot.  My finger automatically goes to change Unknown to Gavin but I stop.

I will not permanently place him in my life until I read his book.

Until then, he remains unknown.

Me: Say the magic word

Unknown: Now?

Me: Wrong

Unknown: Fight club

Me: Ohhhhhh you broke rule one!

Unknown: let's go make some soap and blow up some businesses.

Me: Ok but I get to be Tyler Durden...

Unknown: Get your sweet ass down here before I come up there and spank you into submission

Let's take a second to visualize...

Me: I still don't see the magic word

Unknown: Ok I'll just ring the doorbell

Me: Ok! I'm coming

Unknown: Already? I didn't have that planned until later ;-)

I roll my eyes and grab my stuff, secretly hoping that is part of the plans for later.

I quietly sneak downstairs and out of my front door like the ninja I am. I see headlights of a parked car two house down from me so I start walking towards it hoping that's were I'm suppose to go.

What the hell am I doing?

I reach the car and see the passenger window is open so I lean down to look inside  before just getting in.

"Need a ride?" He smirks and winks.

I open the door and slide into the front seat.

"Please tell me you didn't steal your Dad's car again, Gavin," I ask, nervously looking around the interior.

"I didn't steal my Dad's car, Angel," he says, mocking my tone.

"Good," I relax and look foward as he pulls from the curb.

"I stole my Mom's car,"

I'm so going to jail tonight.

"What the hell, Gavin!?" I smack him.

"Ow! Don't abuse me while I'm driving! How did you think I was going to come get you tonight? On a magic flying carpet? Does this look like Aladdin to you?"

"This is crazy..what the hell is wrong with me.." I mumble to myself and he starts laughing.

"Don't worry, Pumpkin. My parents had the pleasure of taking one of my sleeping pills tonight so they are dead to the world until morning," he grins while watching the road.

I stare at him with my mouth hanging open and it just makes him laugh even more.

"What?" He asks, continuing to look at my shocked face before returning his eyes to the road.

"You're crazy,"

"Wow, that's really original, Angel," he rolls his eyes.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking out the window.

There's silence.


Oh dear God..




"Stop it..."


"I'm going to stab you in the eye.."



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