Small isn't so bad part 3

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"wait no you tricked me" he said "so what" i pulled him to the table we set the bags down and sat down next to each other he groaned "one hand only and no pink" he said "fine" i said

He spread his fingers out on the table i got the black nail polish and opened it i started with his thumb then his pointer then his middle finger "your having to much fun with this" he said i smiled I finished the left hand "can i please do the right" i asked "you know I'm taking this off right" he said i grabbed his arm "no don't" i looked at him

"Why not" he said "because" i said "okay since you know that i will leave it on until tomorrow night because i'm not going to school like this and it would upset you if I took it off now" he said i tightened the lid on the nail polish and put it back Justin's mom looked at me

"He must really like you he would never let anyone else do that" she said i smiled he let it dry then he grabbed the bags and grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs into his room and shut the door

I sat down on his bed criss-cross apple sauce he ran downstairs and came back with two ibuprofen pills He handed them to me i swallowed them with the coke then he laid down on the bed i laid down next to him he laid his head on my lower stomach he opened his mouth i put the chocolate in his mouth then moved my hand

We ate the rest of it like that

I sat up so he was now in my lap he sat up and  dumped everything out of the bags he handed me the chocolate bar i opened it and broke of a piece and put it in my mouth i chewed and swallowed then broke another piece off and held it in front of Justin's mouth

1 hour later

its 7pm I was laying on my back justin was laying on my lower stomach sound asleep i took a picture of him and made it my home screen i didnt want to wake him up but I had to go to the bathroom but it also felt good to have him lay on my stomach i gently shook him

"Baby wake up" i whispered nothing  "baby please wake up" i said i shook him he jumped up "Peyton What The Hell why did you wake me up" he snapped "i have to go to the bathroom and you were laying on me" i said trying not to cry

"Oh my bad don't cry i didnt know" he said i stood up and walked into the bathroom and shut the door and opened the bag of pads and got one out i used the bathroom then wiped and changed my tampon into a pad

then threw the garbage away and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and leggings up and walked over to the sink i washed my hands then went back out to Justin i went in

my bag and got my sweatpants out and a black tshirt i walked into the bathroom and shut the door i took my contacts out and put my glasses on i got my first make up off and changed into (pic above) i went back out to Justin and crawled into bed with him we fell asleep

4 am i woke up to cramps my cramps cause me horrible pain I got up and walked into the bathroom and shut the door i changed my pad and threw the garbage away and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and pants up then washed my hands then walked out

of the bathroom i turned the light off I tiredly walked downstairs and into the kitchen i found ibuprofen and swallowed them with water i waited for it to kick in i saw Justin didn't do the dishes or the laundry

I did all the dishes and then i did Justin's laundry and folded it i put the dishes away and put justins clothes away i cleaned his room and then i made justin chocolate chip cookies and then i put them on a plate and put it on the island then i did the dishes again and put everything away then

got a cup and made justin a glass of orange juice and put it next to the cookies it took 3 hours to get everything done then justin and his mom both came down "good morning sunshine" i said to justin

"don't call me that and good morning" i heard his raspy morning voice for the first time "you did the dishes, Justin's laundry and  you made him cookies"  she said i looked at him "yeah i also cleaned his room" i said "justin you need to keep this one" she said justin kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss

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