my badboy

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hi guys this is my first story please no hate. I'm not that good of a writer and if a is any suggestions on this story please tell me it would help heaps.

by the way this story may get a bit hot if you know what I mean ;) later on in the story though.

tell me what you think please.

" now do you have everything?" my mum said worriedly,a concerned look covering her features.

" yes mum!" I loudly drowned out.

She has been asking that question for hours now, and it's not like it's my first time ever leaving the house for more than a week.

" I'm just asking you don't need to be bitchy, I just want to make sure that you are prepared to live on your own" she snapped, her eyebrows creasing as she lifted her head to look at me in the eye.

" thanks but I'm not alone I'm living with an umm .............. roommate, she's super nice" I smiled, faking an air of apology.

yer like I was going to tell her my roomates were guys hahah she would kill me. my mum is way overprotective and needs to learn to let me be free she still thinks I am an innocent child when I am a mature 18 year old who can stand up for herself. But I really don't blame her the placeI was moving to has had lot of criminal activity around it.

" maybe when I come down I can meet this roomate of yours" said mum, tilting her head questioningly.

" why would you need to come down"

I said way to quickly.

Her hazel eyes piercing straight through my ice blue ones staring into my soul I could feel her burning holes through my brain so I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and said goodbye for the last time running out of my old room and out the front door.

" bye hunni" mum yelled down the street while my best friend jake let out a giggle and grinned.

" what" I asked kind of confused.

" oh nothing hunni " he said mimicking my mothers voice. I let out a bark of laughter. my mum also didn't know I was living with jake.I only really knew jake. I had emailed the other two with all they needed to know but I never got a reply.

I have known jake since I was ten and he was the popular one out of us I was the average,shy little kid who everyone gawked at when they found out that jake and i were bestfriends. my mum trusted jake but not enough to let him stay the night so when we found out we were living together and with two other guys we kept our mouths shut.

it was a long drive down to the gold coast from Brisbane we ended up stopping a few times to swap seats even though I was only on my learners.

" hey do you know how I hooked up with rach".rach was my girl bestfriend

" yes why ?" I replied.

" she told me that you Andy Grande, like badboys '. he smirked with amusement in his voice

"Im gonna kill her. what else did she say " I demanded trying to sound not as scared as I actually was.

" oh, just that you have a major crush on Mr Ryan from chemistry, oh and brad the 12 grade badboy who humps and dumps" he replied breezily.

that's it I was officially going to kill her. we aren't as close as me and jake but that doesn't mean that she can spread private things of mine around school. I let out a happy sigh when the thought of brad hit my mind.

He was the typical hotty of Ridgeway high tall dark and handsome. his short hair fell the right way that made girls go crazy.He wore a black leather jacket and rode a motorbike giving him the typical' mysterious bad boy'aura. his face was to die for his sea green eyes just made you melt and his lips plump and just yelled kiss me his cheekbones were high and he actually had a really cute nose.

on the occasion that he wasn't wearing his jacket his rippling muscles could been seen miles away and his battlescars were showing he had a lot of tattoos that had meaning. but there is this one on his neck the shape of a dog it's was full on black I'm guessing he had a black dog who died.

" hello?" jake snapping me out of my thoughts

" oh um what " I said slightly dazed

" are we going to get some food or what?" he sasked slowly like I was dumb " were you dreaming of me again and my muscles" he joked when I didn't reply

" oh definitely" I laughed out.

we stopped at maccas and I ordered a salad while jake ordered a quarter pounder. jake and I were in a dance troop together all throughout highschool. It just made us feel free, so we performed in clubs and at fairs and stuff like that so we were pretty confident with anything that was thrown at us.

after we ate jake drove the rest of the way to our new house.

when we arrived, we took our time to examine the house.It was a cute little cottage tucked right away from any other house and was hidden by bushes and trees.if it wasn't for the GPS we would of drove right past it. it was a yellow color and was two stories, and was split in two at the back but connected at the front. the first story looks like it was a place of a murder there was red paint (or was it blood) trailing along the ground. I walked up the old steps and knocked at the door no-one answered. luckily the owner sent me a spare key, so I used that. inside was completely different. as I mentioned before the house was split in two, so I'm guessing that the guys that lived here didn't like the idea of sharing with us .jake knocked on one of those doors and I knocked on the other no answer so we waited.while I waited in the little place that was set up outside the mini houses I had a chance to look around the house was very modern inside it had a dark blues feature wall were the front windows were and had a lounge and coffee table. it was actually nice ....... for boys that is. having jake as a best friend I basically knew everything about boys and the way they live. dirty, gassy and loud and obnoxious. when the doors didn't open jake and I began to get annoyed. what kind of roommates were they? just then the front door opened and in Walks two young men. they were so deep in discussion that they didn't even notice me standing there with an annoyed expression on my face.

okay thanks guys that read this sorry if it isn't that good. also please make sure if you have anything that you think may improve this story please tell me thanks again I will update as soon as possible :)

love Alanah

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