Sisters and sunsets

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Wow 80 reads this is incredible. I know this is probably small number compared to most stories but I am so happy to have this number :) thanks so much guys I love you xx

After hunter stupidly woke me up. I hate waking up before midday, but the fact that a super hot guy was the meaning of it made it a bit better.

It was freezing and the wind was going crazy like a hurricane was about to hit. I got dressed in my acid wash jeans and my red and white baseball jersey with a white scarf. As I was tying my black high tops, hunter walked in my room and sat behind me leaning on my bed head.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going" I asked finishing tying my shoes and pulling my hair out of my jumper and letting it flow down my back.

"Nope" he smugly relied with that smirk that could melt stone.

"Hmm, please" I said with puppy dog eyes.

He just got up and walked out of my room. I followed him just pleading that he would tell me.

When he walked into his bedroom I rested on his doorframe and watched him as he pulled on a black tee and leather jacket when he pulled down his track suit pant and began to put his jeans on I saw..... my little pony boxers. Oh this was good haha.

"Nice boxers" I giggled

"Hey my little sister brought me these" he said defensively.

"You have a sister" I asked, as he never mentioned his family before now and we have been living with each other for 5 weeks.

"Uh yer..., Ready to go"

why don't you like talking about your family I asked my self

"You know you never talk about your family"

"Either do you" he was right

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked hoping he would answer my questions if I answered his.

" Where is your dad" he asked

"He uh..... he left me and my mum when I was born I haven't met him an I don't know if I want to" I answered his question.

"Ok my go to ask a question" I said excitedly.


"How old is your sister" I asked his sister seemed to be a sensitive spot with him.

"She's 10, she lives in a foster home cause mum and uh my dad I guess didn't want us" he answered.

"Really, hunter I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault, ok let's go" he said leading to his.. motorbike

"I'm not getting on..... that" I said as I pointed to that overgrown death trap.

"Just hold on to me princess" he said with that smirk once again.

"Fine but I won't enjoy it" LIE that was a lie I would enjoy feeling his rippling muscles against my arms.

He straddled on to the bike and handed me a helmet.

"Get on" he nodded behind him. I got on behind min and wrapped my hands around his stomach and brought my thighs up to his. He put the stand up and started the engine, it roared and off we went.

Shit, is he trying to kill me ahhhh that was close I could like touch the road

He finally stopped at a old house that had a sign that said

'Biddle berry foster home"

"Hunter is this"

"Yep" he nodded "your gonna meet my sister that you seem so interested in" he said as he pried my arms of from his stomach.

"Oh uh sorry" I said as I got off the bike and handed him the helmet

As we walked in a little girl with long brown ringlets and green eyes ran up to hunter and gave his legs a hug. He picked her up and swung her around.

"Hey Jessie" he said with an actual smile not a smirk a smile.

"Hey hunter" she returned as she nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"Jessie meet Andy, my roommate, Andy meet Jessie my sister" he introduced us as he went to go sign in.

"Are you his girlfriend?" Jessie asked

"Haha no sweetie I'm just his friend" I replied.

"Well your pretty and nice, I wish you were I want a sister" she said as she came in for a hug

I hugged he back and we stayed like that for a while.

Hunter Jessie and I went to the park. hunter and I ate fish and chips while Jessie played.

"She likes you, you know" hunter blurted out as he stuffed chips in his mouth.

"Really" I said as I swallowed my calamari ring.

"Yer do do I" he said and looked away

I spat out my chip and gasped for air.

"Calm down" he laughed

"I am, I am calm" I protested


once we dropped Jessie back and said goodbye hunter didn't go straight home. Although I didn't know because my eyes were closed enjoying the wind against my cheeks. When we finally stopped and I opened my eyes we were on top of the mountain that over looks the town.

"Hunter this is incredible" I said in amazement.

"Yer I know" he said smartly.

I turned around and hunter was less than 5 cm away from me I could feel his warm breath against my cheeks as he rested his forehead on mine and his soft lips gently touched mine but then backed away with a smirk

"Haha I knew you wanted me" he laughed

"Hey, if I recall you kissed ME" I protested.

"Whatever" he said as he sat down. I went up to him and sat down as well as we watched the sun set over the town it was perfect.

Well guys things are starting to get personal between hunter and Andy and don't worry jake is coming back soon yay. Till next time wattpadians.

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