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Hello guys so 119 reads happiest day of my life I swear :D so dang happy ahhhh

I stared at the man who claimed to be my father, his toothy grin sent chills down my spin.

He went to place his arms around my shoulders an I pushed him off. How dare he try to touch me, this could be, no it probably is all just a hoax.

"What do you want from me, did you just bring me here to meet this horrible excuse of a man" I yelled enraged that they thought any of this would do any good.

"No, we bought you here because we are trying to locate 3 people you are close to.we already found one hunter, now we need to find jake and your Mum" he said with a cold tone that could freeze water and make ice in a matter of seconds.

"Why" I smartly replied in a happy tone, there was no way I was letting my family get hurt. I don't care about hunter, he didn't help me get away he let them take me. Assehole

While I was trapped in my thought I saw hunter make his way up to where the 'boss' was and whisper something in his ear. Then the whole place was emptied in seconds and all I could hear was motorbike after motorbike starting and leaving.

"Hey Andy, I " I cut hunter off I just looked away and stuck my nose in the air.

"What hunter" I finally stated when he was going to walk away.

"I'm sorry" was that it, he helped me get kidnapped and all he can say is sorry pftt retard I hate him.

"No, no your not you helped me get kidnapped and find someone who claims to be my father your fucking crazy I hate you I told you I never wanted to meet the jerk" I yelped and tears were beginning to form around the rims of my eyes.

"Tell me what was in it for you" I finished softy.

"I got a call, when we were at the mountains, they have Jessie and it was either you or her, i had to save my sister, sorry for actually caring about my family" he said rudely

"Well, you know I can help, since I'm TRAPPED" I empathised the word trapped.i wasn't trying to make him feel bad at all but I think I was.

"Oh really, I doubt it" he replied

"Hunter please, I don't want to be here" I cried tears were falling down my face like Niagara falls.

Hunter looked at me sympathetically and walked to where I was tied by a sturdy rope around a cement pillar. He stood close and I could feel his warm breath against my cheeks. His soft lips collided with mine. I took in his musky smell and the taste of his lips because I knew this was just a way to make me shut up.

I pushed him away and he gave me a look like I was crazy. Then that smirk took over.

"That was a good kiss princess" he said

Just as I was going to reply the sound of motorbikes entered my ear drums and I shut my mouth.

"Just follow my lead, ok" hunter whispered.

I nodded in agreement ,I was getting out of here.

"Hunter has the she devil revealed where he mother is" that cold voice of the 'boss' sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes, she has brother" wow brother now that was unexpected.

" Where?" he said moving his head in a sassy way. Oh no you didn't

"I will take you there when I get MY sister" he said in the same cold tone of his brother.

" Fine, bring the kid in" he sighed, annoyed that hunter wasn't going to say anything.

"And release my girlfriend" he said nodding at me while holding Jessie's shoulders.

Wow girlfriend, where is she ill kill that bitch.

" Fine" the man sighed again.

"Now you have your pathetic girls will you tell me where to find her mother he said as he gestured to where I was still getting untied.

"You'll find her at"

Don't tell him hunter, please

"43 graham road, Brisbane" he did it that was my address, I looked at him in disgust

"Lets roll boys, oh and hunter if she isn't there , you die, by brother" his brother again coldly replied.

Once the sound of their motorbikes were faint I looked at hunter again.

"If my mother dies I will never forgive you"

"She won't cause she's right here do is jake" he yelled and out of one of the corners my mum and jake walked out with Rhys.

I ran up giving my mum and jake a hug.

"Let's get out of here" Rhys suggested

Ok so this story will get more intense so get ready thanks again for the reads :) till next time wattpadians.

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