Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"We have to get to Cerebro," Emma said, trying to calm everyone.

"What, why? Charles is in there! Erik is in there! Something is in there, and it could hurt them! I have to get to them!" Raven exclaimed, trying again to pick the lock.

"Darling, I think it is Charles," Emma said consolingly, trying to bring her distressed teammate away from the door.

"What are you talking about? Charles isn't evil! Not like this!" Raven yelled, trying to throw Emma off her. Hank instantly knew what the White Queen was saying, and chimed in.

"Think about it, Raven. Charles has gone through a massive trauma that unleashed every dark thought he's ever suppressed. I think this is his dark side taking over," Hank said gently, making her freeze. Everyone was still for a moment.

"How do you know?" Mystique asked, voice thick with emotion.

"The mental wall feels like what Charles's mental barriers felt like," Emma replied softly, and tears welled up in Raven's eyes.

"Then let's get to Cerebro. No telling what horrible, twisted things those two will think up while locked in there together," Logan said, turning to leave. Raven tried to follow, Emma having released her, but her legs crumpled under her weight. Hank swiftly caught her before she fell, Raven fitting into his arms bridal style perfectly.

Raven was blushing. Hank could tell. Sure, her cheeks weren't pink, but they were a lovely shade of purple. As Hank studied her features, he wondered how on earth he could have ever said she was anything less than stunning in her natural form.

Hank shook off those depressing thoughts, instead following the others to their planned destination.

Once they reached Cerebro, they decided they needed to make a plan of defense.

"Your precious professor is a powerful telepath, and if he really has become evil, he won't hesitate to use it against you. He can't penetrate my mind in crystal form, and I can protect seven people besides myself. Those seven should be in here as the final line of defense against them," Emma said to the others seriously, trying to think of ways to maximize their defense.

"You know, I could probably become crystal like you," Darwin said, and Emma thought about it before nodding. That could work.

"The people in here should be Raven, Alex, Bobby, Marie, Kitty, and the twins. If Charles is violent, the youngest children should be protected. Also, they all have the strongest emotional connection to Charles besides Erik and should be able to awaken whatever is left of Charles. Or even get Erik to stop this," Hank said, his jaw tight as he tried to relieve some of his stress.

"Smart," Emma said simply.

"It's settled then. Beast should also be at the door with Logan and Scott. Darwin will be in here with us. If anything, Darwin or I could subdue the professor or Erik," Alex said, his blood pumping through his veins faster than normal.

The group farthest from Cerebro was Janos and Azazel. The second group included Jean and Ororo, who were paired with Sean and Angel, not far from Scott's group, who were closest. The rest were all in Cerebro.

Azazel and Janos teleported away, quickly securing blankets for the children. They grabbed a few for each child, and they also tried to grab a stuffed animal for each child. Marie and Bobby had tried to act too grown up for stuffed toys, but were soon clutching them just like Kitty and the twins.

Emma smiled, glad to see improvement to Azazel's and Janos's temperament. There was a time when the two only thought of each other and themselves.

Everyone went to their posts, Emma going into her crystal form. When the children weren't looking, Darwin and Alex embraced and kissed. "Everything will be okay," Darwin whispered to his boyfriend, running his fingers though the boy's blonde hair.

Emma realized with sadness that that's what they were. Boys. Kids. They had so much to live for, but were forced to go against men. Powerful, grown men. The only ones equipped to deal with a man like Erik and the darkness within Charles were Emma, Logan, Azazel, and Janos.

The rest were kids. Children. They barely knew of the darkness that could reside in men, and they'd never thought it could be in the great Charles Xavier, their beloved professor. Even if they got the shot, they wouldn't take it. They're innocent. They don't want to hurt anyone. Charles enabled their naive view of the world, and now they've been rendered basically useless.

"Here, lay down kids. Be under the blankets," Raven said, helping to make sure none of them were exposed. Maybe Charles and Erik would ignore them. Raven prayed for it.

"Raven, get over here. It's starting. Be ready. I just felt Janos and Azazel go down. It appears Magneto is keeping to a nonviolent approach with them, just having Charles knock them unconscious," Emma said, and the others got into defensive stances as Raven moved away from the children. Darwin switched into a crystal form similar to Emma's.

Soon, Emma felt Sean, Angel, and Ororo go down mentally. Jean was fighting with all the mental power that she could muster before collapsing like her friends. "Angel, Sean, Ororo, and Jean are down," She informed them, and there was a whimper from the blankets as the teenagers bristled.

Emma didn't have to inform them when Hank, Scott, or Logan went down. They heard it outside the door. The loud thump when their bodies hit the floor told them that the fight was about to begin.

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