Chapter 8

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Anna woke up earlier than expected the next morning. It was around half past 10, and Will was still asleep. Still obviously tired, she sat up a bit and ran her hands through his messy hair, one hand checking her notifications. One was from Javier, and it made her feel so guilty. Her and Will had to talk. And her and her boyfriend.

But there was no denying that waking up next to him was an amazing feeling. This person just had so much...content to him. Anna couldn't point it out but she loved it. And he'd said the same bout her; something about her presence was just so complex, that she was so much of a person.

She watched her story from last night which put a huge smile on her face. She got up, pulled on a plain black loose muscle tee with dropped arm holes just over her bra and panties, and tied back her hair loosely to wash her face. Muuch better. Really, there wasn't much difference in her looks. If anything her bare face just looked more natural.

She brushed her teeth and got back in bed for a little as Will slept. She started braiding little pieces of his hair and he eventually woke up. "Mmm." he sort of groaned as he shifted. Will rested his head on his crossed arms, looking over to her. "I usually don't sleep in. What time is it?"

"Almost 11, you didn't." His voice sounded tired and raspy, she loved it. "Alright." he began, slight strain in his voice as he sat up and rubbed his face. "I should get going." it seemed as though he didn't want to burden her. Well, it wouldn't be, but it also wouldn't be very convenient when Javier showed up later.

He picked up his clothing, walking over to her. "Nice seeing you again." he mentioned, hugging Anna tiredly before pulling his shirt on as well. "Yeah you too. Don't disappear this time, alright?" He nodded, saying bye and left.

She heard his car door then engine. Fuck, did she really let her mind get the best of her again? It felt like she was lying to herself. Maybe she knew this wasn't ever going to go anywhere but acted like maybe it was more than just cheating. No, she was wrong. They only ever fucked when he was in town. And now she cheated again, on a great guy. Either way that was it; she had to break things off with her boyfriend. Will in the picture or not.

It was a sudden decision but it felt right. She needed a change, something different. And he needed better than her.

Will sat it his car, head leaned back against the seat. Hands on the wheel, he sighed out. "Fuck, man." after a few moments of contemplating, he just started driving. He'd be in town for a couple more days. There was time to think other than in her driveway.

*Two days later*

"Hey." Will's voice greeted on the other end of the line. He'd called twice now, but this time it was Anna.

"Hey." she responded after a moment. "Um.."

"..Are you crying?" he asked, her voice was shaky as she had tried to speak the first time. "...Yeah. Yeah, um, where are you?" she asked, for some reason breaking down even more after that. She put her head in her hand, holding the phone to her ear.

"Not even 20 away. You at your place?" he asked quickly but calmly. "Yeah." she responded, her voice sounding like just a whimper.

"I'll be there in 15 then. Need me to stay on the phone?" he asked, probably concerned. "No. No, I'm okay. I just..-" "I get it." he said, and hung up after checking one more time.

It was probably obvious what this was about. Clearly her and Javier weren't together anymore, but that wasn't the whole issue. She didn't want Will to feel like her only other option, he wasn't he was her option above all else, above her boyfriend - and nearly best friend -, anything. She just needed to be with him.

Anna figured he must've known about Javier. He always liked her pictures on Instagram or saw her story on Snapchat that involved him. So it's not like he didn't know. He even probably saw that they were living together. Maybe he saw in the way she acted that it wasn't just cheating. Maybe he understood. Nonetheless, if this all went to shit then she really had nothing. She gave up something perfect for Will. Why him? They were impossible.

She heard a car pull up just a little later, she had her knees to her chest, head in her hands. Without hesitation or knocking, he just came in and over to where she was on the floor, back against the couch.

Will kneeled and sat beside her, a deep sigh and pulled her in to his chest. She broke down a little in his arms but sort of pulled it together. He was here - that's what she wanted.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?" he asked, and after a short pause of her trying to figure out how to even begin, he spoke again. "You're not pregnant, are you?" Will asked.

"No, no.." she shook her head, wiping some tears. After a deep breath she started apologizing. "I shouldn't have called, I'm sorry. I don't even know why I did."

"I do." he responded. "I'm here, alright? Talk when you're ready." They sort of just sat for a while and she relaxed in his presence. He was smart, but he had a better perspective on what was going on than she thought he did.

"Alright. Can we talk?" Anna asked. "That's what I'm here for." Will answered. They both sat on the couch, and she sort of faced him with one leg in his lap, the other folded.

Clearly he was expecting it to be about why she called crying. But firstly, he already had a grip one that one. Secondly, it was just hard to bring up directly.

"You're leaving soon.." she mentioned casually.

"Doesn't mean I have to leave you." Will said. Woah - wait.

"What..?" she was honestly surprised. Maybe he saw them together too, these weren't just hookups. The more time they spent together - although not much - the more right it felt. And so his next statement showed he thought so as well.

"It feels right with you. That night you weren't still in my bed at the hotel when I came back in, I realized I never wanted to have a morning without you in it again." That was a lot to say, but it was true for her too. The fact that he was straight forward about what she felt made her more comfortable to be the same. Not to stereotype, but that was so great for a guy.

She was quiet for a couple seconds. Anna never really did have a stable relationship, whether it be friends, family, whatever. Javier was basically the first person who always seemed to be there for her - which was partially why she was so torn up over this - but hearing that from Will was so amazing.

"Then you won't have to." she responded simply. He seemed so captivated by her utter presence which made her feel so good. "Come here, mami." Will said, grabbing her chin and kissing her lightly.

"We really doing this?" he questioned, looking at her for a certain answer. She nodded. "All the way."

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