Chapter 4

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Anna drove down to the venue, listening to some music on the way. She parked, checking the address on her phone. Yep, this was the place. She ended up being just on time, early by 5 maybe. He told her to go around back, and so she did. There was a guy there, standing by the door. "Are you supposed to be back here?" he asked.

"Yeah, actually. Wanna go fact-check?" she showed him the text that William sent. Just then, Julian appeared in the door's entry. "Yeah, she can come backstage bro." he said to the other guy. Once she was let in, the place was full of noise.

Julian happened to just be passing by and had to go get on stage and get the crowd hyped for William, who'd be on really soon. She was shocked, actually. All these people for him. It was crazy how she just ended up backstage like this. Annalise walked down the corridor backstage, into a more open room where the stage entrance was just up ahead. There were a few people he toured with back here, and there was will, doing some push-ups on the ground.

He got up, rubbing his hands together and exhaling once sharply. He bounced on his feet a bit, his eyes catching hers. Anna smiled. "This is crazy." she said, motioning to all of it. He approached her, mic in hand but not on.

"I know, I'm still not used to it. I half figured you wouldn't show up."

"Well, I'm here." she responded, and he gave her a quick hug before walking up to the side entrance to the stage. "Finally get to hear me sing. This one's for you." Will added, implying that about the show.

She smiled, a thumbs up. Okay, that was so charming. Anna was already comfortable around him, and she could only hope and almost tell that soon it'd be like as comfortable as she was around her other friends. Close friends, even like Mike or Cass with all of their sarcasm.

Most of the other guys just hung around backstage. She watched from back here, as he introduced the set. Already, the track Julian had on was so well produced. Will had said he made all of his own stuff. It was just as he described, had a really nice R&B feel.

And holy shit, the crowd was hyped. He started singing Pony and they went crazy. She couldn't help the smirk on her face. But when his voice registered in her ears, it was like magic. Talking alone, she could listen to him forever. Okay she didn't expect him to be so amazing. And not only because of this song, but he seriously had so much talent. Everything down to the production and execution of the track itself.

Right before the beat dropped, the words looped and Julian interrupted with a "Ladies and gentleman, make some noise!" before the music continued without lyrics and Will really got into the music.

She was in awe at his performance, and the crowd seemed to love it too. Of course, there was no denying how sexual this song was. And he made it look and sound even better.

Anna laughed as he reached down into the crowd and they went nuts, screaming. But her eyes were locked on him, god he was alluring. Sure, she'd been told and treated like she was one of the most intriguing people in the world for some reason, but him? Fuck.

The songs passed and he was incredible. Anna wasn't sure if maybe the initial attraction to him had anything to do with it, but William Singe honestly had to be one of the best, most talented singers she's ever heard. He just was, every song he did completely bodied the original.

Occasionally, he'd glance over to her while performing from onstage. He was someone else up there. It was admirable. Ricky Collier, his photographer finished up shooting around the stage since it was the last song and came back out to where she was. They talked for a little bit, and he sat down on a couch out here, looking through some of his previous shots.

During the last song,  he snapped a few pictures of her, just because he seemed to find her alluring and picture-worthy. She hadn't noticed or anything. But earlier before Ricky sat down and took them, he mentioned something about her being a very interesting person, even just to watch.

As they closed up the show, she sat down beside him and looked through some shots as well. Will came backstage finally. Sweaty, a towel around his neck and breathing deeply. "How's it feel, man?" Julian asked, recording a short clip.

"Unbelievable." Will managed.

After a little settling down, he found her with Ricky. They usually stayed backstage a while then went back to their hotel afterwards, or so she'd been explained that. "Everything you hoped for?" he asked. She smiled, he was so relaxed around her, but it was like this little click when they conversed r were near each other.

A subliminal connection, spark. It was unspoken, so different than their calm, comfortable-around-each other nature.  "God, you're amazing." she said, there weren't enough words to express. "I mean, I'm sure you get told this enough but you're actually so fucking talented Will. Like, you really are it's admirable." she told him honestly.

"She watched the whole time." Ricky mentioned, as if proof she was being for real. "Ah, I see that." Will responded, Ricky having come across the few pictures he took of Anna, her standing and smiling and honestly happy, effortlessly being just so.....interesting and intricate and alluring to look at - although she'd never admit it.

Not that she was insecure at all, but nobody gave themselves that much praise. Will smiled, his stare moving onto her from the images a few seconds later. "Glad you liked it."

"Yeah seriously that was really fun."

"Good, well we're going back to the hotel right now. I'd hate to cut you off with us barely spending time backstage or anything." Will said.

She considered his statement - offer, really. What was some fun, right? ...

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