Chapter 20

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They'd gotten there a couple hours before the show, and Will and Alex were both able to take a shower once they got the hotel, but then had to leave to the set right after. The night went good, a couple sweet girls had taken pictures with Anna, saying how she's so much prettier in person and told them congrats on the baby. 

It was kind of surreal seeing how much all of these girls practically melted over Will. Almost made her feel like she didn't appreciate him enough, although she did. She didn't let it on though, to not make it seem like it was because of the fans. They were touchy, asking for him or Alex to kiss their cheek. But she didn't mind at all, she was so happy and proud for him that she couldn't mind. 

There was no show tomorrow, so once they had the set all taken down and left, they all decided to check out the town. Her, Alex, Will, Silas and Jay were all walking down the street, the guys just getting into stuff as usual. They ended up passing a tattoo and piercing place. "What do you say, mate?" Julian patted his back, pointing into the parlor. 

"Let's check it out." Will responded. "Yeah?" he nodded. They went in, the place was pretty cool. Artwork all over the walls, good people. In fact, there was a really good artist there and Anna had been wanting a sort of big piece. "Any of you looking for something?" "You wanted those roses." Will said, directing the attention to her. 

"Think so?" she thought about just getting it done here. "You totally should." Alex said. "Yeah it'd be pretty baby." They ended up working out a time for tomorrow which was a huge favor from the artist since they'd only be in town for one more day. "You're getting your nose pierced tomorrow though." she said to Will. He'd been wanting the other side done too. "Alright deal."

She had her nose and septum pierced but never really wore the jewelry, especially in her septum. It could look cute depending. If anything, she'd just wear a small silver ring on the nose. They both did suit her features though, the septum kind of drew attention to the middle of her face, so her cheekbones and nose looked more defined. The ring looked good on just about anybody, but on Will she could definitely see the second one. 

In short, Will was fine as hell and anything looked good on him. 

They thanked the artist after watching him do some more work and continued their night. Before they got back pretty much everyone had taken pictures or videos for their snapchat. "Boston. We're out here." Will showed the camera around, then to all the guys and Anna who he had his arm around. She smiled up to the camera momentarily before the video ended. 

They walked by a place playing music and Julian freestyled which was always very entertaining. They ended up having around for a while and he actually wasn't even that bad - he obviously wasn't trying much but still. She recorded a few clips of him, laughing lightly in the background. 

Finally, they started heading back. They weren't far from the hotel now, and Anna wanted to walk. Will was worn out but Alex decided he'd come with even though she said she'd ride with them. "Nope, come on." He lifted her up over his shoulder. Anna laughed, before he finally set her down. She shoved Alex's shoulder. "See you there baby." she kissed Will's cheek. 

She and Alex walked back, it took about 20 minutes. It was actually a really nice walk, they got along really well. She could also se him and Will getting closer and really liked the relationship they had. As they walked back, he'd asked her how to say some things in Spanish - Alex always wanted to learn. Speaking of, Will was actually picking up well. Naturally, Anna sometimes forgot English words or would say something in Spanish and he was getting better at understanding it. He'd learn more with their kid too. 

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