Chapter 5 - I'm in Love with you.

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Chapter 5 - I'm in Love with you.

*Joey's POV *

"SHIT, JOEY! LOOK!" Sawyer shouted, throwing one of the glass bricks to me. I ducked and it shattered on the floor. "What the fuck, You were supposed to catch it! You dumbass, get with it!" I glanced at Shane who stood in the doorway. He looked angry. 

After we decided on traveling to Rome, we picked a small "diamond hospital" smack dab in the middle of L.A. Which meant we'd have to hurry. Nobody expected this place to get robbed; it was so little and unnoticeable. But it was a gold mine. "Fuck me, Joey, pay attention." I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Sawyer, shut the fuck up and take care of yourself." I snapped which made Sawyer looked up. I hardly ever cussed. Then he broke into a fit of laughter, "Alrighty, champ. Just keep going."

* Shane's POV *

I wasn't helping them with any of this; they told me to keep watch by the door. I didn't like Sawyer being a total dick to Joey. I almost said something but it wasn't my place. Then my dad's words echoed through my mind. Champ. That word...

I started shuddering. It felt like I was there...

With my dad...I could feel the pains in my stomach from being kicked...

The pain fingering off from my jaw throughout my face from that punch..

I was there and I felt it all. I had to get out of here. I wouldn't stay here. It was too much. I ran. 

"Shane! Shane, where are you going?!" I heard their words like I was at one end of a tunnel and they were at the other. I was too far gone. 

I stopped by their SUV. I held on to one of the tires as my knees hit asphalt. It felt like I couldn't get enough air. There wasn't enough oxygen in the world to fill my empty lungs. I was wheezing and I felt like my head was going to explode. "Shane?" Joey was whispering in my ear...

It sounded like he was screaming. Then there was screaming..of an alarm. "Joey! Come here, I can't carry this bag alone. It's the cops!" Joey left my side. The disappearance of his presence left me cold and shivering; I was focusing on the asphalt under my knees.  It was all I could do not to pass out. I hadn't eaten in days but I still felt a clenching in my stomach, telling me to throw up. I couldn't. The wracking dry heaves shook my shoulders yet nothing was coming up. "Shane.." Joey whispered, leaning down in front of me. "It's okay, you're okay..Come here." He gathered me up in his arms as I shut my eyes and slowly let the world slip away. 

It was quiet. The riding was smooth. Everything around me was at peace. It felt nice, especially in contrast to earlier. I opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was Joey. He was asleep. With further investigating I realized we were on a plane; A small one. Across from us were two seats, Sawyer stretched out across one. The armrests were pulled up on all of them. I also realized my pillow was Joey's lap. He was asleep, sitting up, just so he could comfort me. Then I had a thought that obtained so much finality that it struck me like an anvil. I was in love with Joey Graceffa. 


SHORTEST CHAPTER EVER. I'm definitely adding another part of this story today... I just thought that was the perfect ending. I didn't really know what else to add after that to amount up to it. 

And if you're a dumbass and don't understand why Shane went all...crazy it was because he was reliving a traumatic event. So. Yeah. :') & yes, I'm sososo sorry for the short chapter ;/ 


Seriously, Thank You for Reading & Voting. Ily guys. May the odds be ever in your favor, gooodbye cx 


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